Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Studio Production: OFCOM

As part of my research for the show, I have looked at the OFCOM codes to see where my show fits in.


The Office of Communications is the regulator and leading authority for broadcasting. Their powers span across television and radio. It's main duty is to represent the interests of consumers. To do this is promotes competition and protects the public from harmful or offensive material.

OFCOM have a broadcasting code which I have looked over to help ensure that any content I write into the show would be allowed on television at the time the show is on. The code mentions that I should think about:

- the degree of harm and offence that could be caused.
- the likely size and composition of the audience.
- the expectations the audience may have of the programme.
- the likelihood of people watching who don't know what to expect.

I looked over the codes regarding the protection of under eighteens as I felt this was the section that would affect the way I write the show the most.

- Broadcasters must take all reasonable steps to protect people under eighteen.
- Children must be protected by appropriate scheduling (by children they mean people under 15)
- Television broadcasters must observe the watershed (material unsuitable for children should not be shown before 21:00 or after 05:30)
- The transition to more adult material must not be unduly abrupt at the watershed. Stronger material should appear later in the schedule.
- The most offensive language must not be broadcast before the watershed.

Taking all of this on board these are the decisions I have made:

- As the show begins at 21:00 when the watershed starts there will be no content unsuitable for under 18s until at least 10 minutes in. This will avoid the abrupt shift into more adult material after the watershed.
- Offensive language will not be written into the script and all contributors will be asked to avoid swearing during the show.

Here is the OFCOM Broadcasting Code I looked at: OFCOM Broadcasting Code 2015


Monday, 30 January 2017

Studio Production: Set Design Changes

I recently had a meeting with the director about set design for The Big Movie Quiz.


During this meeting we discussed some possible changes to the set design as the director felt the set didn't fit with the overall style and themes the show was going for. I agreed, and so these were some of the suggested changes:

  • Get rid of the skyline background and replace with a red curtain background.
  • Add some glittery film related decorations to the background.
  • Golden glittery podiums instead of stars.
  • Big cinema screen (using rear projection) instead of a small tv.
  • Middle of the set is like a pop out wall that has the screen on it.
I took these suggestions on board and came up with this:

I do like this new design very much and I think it fits the themes and style of the show very nicely. I will show this to the director and discuss any further changes that may need to be made.

Studio Production: Job Roles & Production Meeting 1

Now the show has been commissioned and I am the producer, everyone else had to apply and interview for their job roles, and we had our first production meeting.


After a full day of interviews, these are the final assigned job roles for each member of the team:

Producer: Joshua Jones (me)
Studio Director: Becca Bennett
Assistant Producer/BTS AP+Sound: Sam Elliott
Production Manager/Floor Manager: Imogen Polycarpou
VT Producer/Studio Camera: Cheyenne Joseph
2 x VT/Studio Camera: Troy Smith & Josh Bayly
Sound/Lighting (VTs & Studio): Sammi Dennard
VT Editor/Vision Mixer: Laura Draper
VT Editor/Studio Production Assistant: Rosie Pen
2 x VT Package Director's/Studio Camera: Ellie Pack and Saskia Tatt
Social Media/Promotions/Graphics/Studio Graphics Op: Nisserin Bessioua
Social Media/Promotions/Graphics/BTS PD: Ellen Carter


To open the first production meeting Helen used a diagram to explain how the levels of communication work. This was to ensure everyone doesn't always come to me when they have a question, instead they go to their superior, who then goes to the Assistant Producer, who then comes to me.

Next I briefed everyone on the show using an adapted version of my pitch. As well as this I answered any questions people had on the show and took on board any initial suggestions about possible changes.

Finally I set some deadlines:

  • VT team to come up with ideas on VTs ready for next production meeting (Tues 31st)
  • Graphics/Promotions to come up with ideas for graphics and promotional material ready for (Tues 31st)
  • Everyone to fill out contact form on the shared Google Drive.
I also had a meeting with the Director where we discussed some changes to the initial set design. It needs to be more glittery and more glamourous to fit the image of the show.

Now I know everyones roles and we've had our first production meeting, I feel a lot more confident about the show, and I'm looking forward to working with everyone over the next term to produce The Big Movie Quiz!

Studio Production: Script Draft 1

As part of my pre-production for the pitch I wrote a full first draft of the script for the show.


This version of the script has most of the timings on it, however some are to be confirmed and so could not be included. This version of the script runs at about 27 minutes. It includes dialogue for all segments of the show, including questions and answers. It is formatted in the correct way, and will act as a good basis for further drafts of the script. It will also help the production teams gain a good idea of how the show sounds, which will help them when producing content.

Studio Production: Running Order Draft 1

As part of my pre-production for my pitch, I put together an initial running order to give the panel a good idea of how my show breaks down into the full 30 minute programme.


This version of the running order isn't extremely detailed as the first draft of the script has a more information on timings. This was created on Excel and I used a time formula to automatically calculate the total time as I was adjusting the times for each segment.

These times are based on how long it took me to read through each section of the script, and the duration of VTs I am aiming for. This initial running order will act as a good basis for the production teams to start working on certain elements of the show.

Studio Production: The Pitch & Feedback

As part of this process we had to pitch our ideas to a panel of people, and the person with the most viable idea would be chosen as producer, and their idea would be commissioned as this years studio production show.


In preparation for my pitch I had done research and work relating to:

  • The idea
  • Title
  • Format and objectives
  • Target Channel/audience
  • Scripting
  • Running orders
  • Set design
  • Graphics/titles
  • Camera layouts
  • Contributors
  • VTs
I used a powerpoint presentation to pitch my show to the panel, which was made up of Simon (Course Leader), Helen (Lecturer), Laura (Production Coordinator), Del (Studio Tutor), and Wez (Last year's Producer). I set my pitch up so my graphic would play on the screen like they would in the real show. I also played my games with the panel, adding in music and sound effects to boost the experience. I wanted to panel to feel like they were taking part in or watching the show. Hopefully that is how it came across.

For the set design element I used my rendered images from Sweet Home 3D to give them a good idea of what my plans for set design were currently.

Below is a video version of my pitch which allows you to see the graphics and hear the music:

The pitch went very well and my feedback was mostly positive. I feel I was able to confidently answer the questions I was asked about how the show works, who the contributors would be, and how certain technical elements of the show would work. One issue raised was they felt I may not be able to let go of my idea and let others work on it and make changes to it. I assured the panel that although I have had this issue in the past, I have worked on it, and I will be able to let go of it and let others contribute. I understand that this is a whole group project and people have jobs to do, so I will let others contribute and do the jobs they have been given.

In the end my idea was chosen and The Big Movie Quiz has been commissioned with me at the helm as the Producer!

Studio Production: Target Channel- Channel 4

I have chosen Channel 4 as my target channel for The Big Movie Quiz


Channel 4 is the UK's 2nd Public Service Broadcaster, with the BBC being the 1st. However unlike the BBC it is commercially funded which means they have a bit more freedom when it comes to choosing which shows they commission. As a 'publisher-broadcaster' they don't make any original programmes. Every show they broadcast has been bought from an external production company or commissioned to be made by an external production company. They aim to inspire citizenship, to bring diversity to the mainstream, and to cater for everyone. As well as this they aim to reflect the viewpoints of everyone, which recent statistics showing the viewpoints they reflect were 31% BAME, 31% lesbian and gay, and 27% people with disabilities, which is more than most other Public Service Broadcasters around the world. According to their own recent statistics they also have a stronger relationship with young people than most other Public Service Broadcasters, with 52% of 16-34 year olds being registered with them.

In terms of programming they are known for bringing new talent to the masses, and for producing top quality, innovative, late night comedy/entertainment. They produced huge comedies like Father Ted, Peep Show, IT Crowd, The Inbetweeners, Spaced, and Phoenix Nights. As well as this they've produced big quiz/game shows like The Crystal Maze, Countdown, Fifteen to One, and Deal or No Deal. And they mixed the two genres together with shows like 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown, and Big Fat Quiz of the Year.

8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown
Big Fat Quiz Of The Year
From this research I can say that Channel 4 would be the perfect channel for this show. They have a history of producing comedy shows, quiz shows, and comedy quiz shows, so I think The Big Movie Quiz is a show they'd be interested in commissioning, and I think it'd fit into their schedule nicely at 9pm on a Friday night. With such a large percentage of young people watching their programming, I believe my target audience of 18-44 year olds would be fulfilled if the show was shown on Channel 4.

Channel 4 like to invest in new programming and new talent, so I beleive The Big Movie Quiz would be a programme they'd be interested in commissioning, and so Channel 4 is my target channel.



Studio Production: Audience Profiles & Target Audience

As part of the preparation for my pitch I did some research into audience profiles so I could decide upon a target audience for my show.


My target channel is Channel 4, and my target audience is movie fans, so I did some research into your typical late night Channel 4 audience and your typical movie fan. I was surprised to find the two were very similar, averaging in the 18-44 age bracket. I also found that similar programs to mine, like The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year, had the same age bracket as their target audience.

When it came to audience profiles I did some research into what they were as I hadn't come across them before. I found that audience profiles are used to allow media companies to find and identify their target audiences before they produce a new show/product. When doing so they will consider things like age, gender, religion, race, sexuality, occupation, and education. Audience profiles are usually defined using demographics. These demographics narrow the audiences down to their occupations. These groups are labelled using a series of letters from A-E. Below is a diagram explaining what each one means.

Audience Profiles
Using this diagram I have decided to choose B, C1, C2, & D as my target audience profiles. This is because B groups include creative media people, which are the types of people who work in the movie industry and would therefore be interested in a quiz show about that industry. And C1, C2, & D are include the types of people that make up your typical cinema audience. They are the types of people who have the time and money to go and see a movie, and hopefully to sit down and watch a tv show about movies.

From this research I can confirm that my target audience will be 18-44, B, C1, C2, & D.


Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Studio Production: Developing & Producing Game Shows

To aid the development of The Big Movie Quiz, I carried out some research into developing, and producing game shows for TV.


These are the key points from my research-

- Developing a TV show is a hard job, and 99% of what you do will amount to nothing.
- "You need to be creative, dogged and passionate"- Sarah Edwards, Development Executive (Take Me Out)
- Try to come up with a way to pitch your idea in one sentence. Think about writing down the first line of your script as well to aid development.
- When starting, develop the 'killer moments' of you idea, the thing that makes it so different.
- A good show is more about characters than format.
- When thinking about set design, use what technology is available to make your idea different and amazing. Creating a set design model is also a good idea.
- Have clear format points in your idea. Things that can't be copied by other formats.
- A game show needs to have a set of rules which create jeopardy and reward skill.
- "Simplicity is important. The fewer the rules the better... I want to be able to play at home"- Gary Chippington, Head of Entertainment at STV.

I will take all of this new information on board whilst preparing my pitch for this unit. My show will be unique, and simple. I will produce a set design model and a script for the panel to look at. I will attempt to come up with a format that incorporates 'killer moments' and a format that can't be copied.


Studio Production: Round Breakdown with Qs & As

As part of my pre-production and preparation for my pitch I have created a breakdown of my rounds that lists all the information everyone needs to know about each round, which includes a description of the round, and the questions and answers featured. I have formated it based on a round break down I saw whilst working on Ultimate Brain for CBBC.

Here it is:

This is a document that would be printed and shared with every production member so everyone knows whats coming up in every round.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Studio Production: Title/Round Graphics Ideas

As part of my preparation for my pitch I have put together some initial ideas on the graphic design of my round title cards for The Big Movie Quiz. They all follow the same design as the title sequence so there is a consist look throughout the show. These will be converted in stings that play before each round starts.

Round 1: Say Hello To My Little Questions

Round 2: VT Round

Round 3: Pin The Oscar

Round 4: Box Office Line Up

Studio Production: Idea Proposal

As part of the preparation for the pitch we had to put together a proposal that would be sent to everyone on the panel prior to our pitch so they could read up on the basics of our ideas. I wanted my proposal to perfectly represent the show, so it follows the same font and colour designs as the graphics I have created.

This proposal includes information on:
  • Target channel & audience
  • The format
  • The objectives
  • The rounds
  • And why it's a unique show

Studio Production: Feedback From Tutorial


I recently had a feedback session with Helen. I decided to only talk with her about The Big Movie Quiz as I have now decided this will be my final idea. Below is the feedback I received:

  • Overall the idea is good.
  • Title sequence idea represents show well. When you see it you can tell it's not a serious quiz show.
  • Think about developing the VT round. Maybe get members of the public involved in the acting VTs.
  • Set design is good. Think about developing it so it matches the style and themes I am going for. Remember that the studio floor will not be painted.
  • When describing the type of presenter I would like Helen mentioned that I could present the show if I wanted to. She thinks I'm confident enough in front of the camera to do so. It's definitely something I will consider as presenting is an avenue I would like to explore for the future.
Overall the feedback was pretty positive but I will take it all on board in time for my pitch.


Studio Production: Final Idea

I have now chosen my final idea: THE BIG MOVIE QUIZ


Working title: The Big Movie Quiz
Target Channel: Channel 4
Target Audience: 18-44 (B, C1, C2, D)

The Idea:

  • The Big Movie Quiz is a comedy/entertainment quiz show about all things movie related, old and new.


  • Two contestants compete against each other to win points by answering quiz type questions across a series of movie related rounds.
  • The winner across the initial rounds then gets to play Box Office Line Up for a chance to win The Golden Clapper Board.

The Objectives:

  • To test everyone's film knowledge and to entertain.
  • The audience will learn more about their favourite movies.
  • The contestants will get a chance to prove they are the ultimate movie fan.
The Rounds:
  1. Say Hello To My Little Questions: Quickfire quiz round designed to let the contestants build up some stars.
  2. VT Round: This round consists of questions related to VT's played into the studio.
  3. Pin The Oscar: Contestants pin Oscars onto movie star faces to answer the questions.
  4. Box Office Line Up: One contestants plays a game of box office higher or lower for a chance to win The Golden Clapper Board.

The Big Movie Quiz brings together the glamour of Hollywood and the fun of a comedy quiz show toc create a unique and entertaining tv programme

This is the idea I shall be pitching for the chance to be the producer.

Studio Production: Ideas Development- Title Sequences

As part of my preparation for the pitch, I have created some temporary titles sequences for the two ideas I'm currently working on.


Idea 1- The Big Movie Quiz

For this one I wanted it to feel glamorous but quirky. I chose to use oranges/yellows and reds as my colour scheme as I feel these represent the glittery glamour hollywood look I am going for. I have included film reels to add onto the movie themes. And finally a red curtain background with a glittery effect to glamourous hollywood feel I am going for. For the music I have chosen to use a jazz band style piece that adds to the classic hollywood theme, and adds to the glamorous high budget feel. Overall I think it represents the themes of the show well.

Idea 2- Win The Internet

For this one I wanted it to feel like a late night tv show and so I chose to go for the neons on a brick wall effect. I picked yellows and blues as I felt they stood out nicely on the brick texture. I chose to have a computer mouse fly through multiple internet related images to add to the idea that this is an internet themed quiz show. This also shows how the show explores every corner of the internet, like how the mouse explores the images. For the music I chose a track that has an upbeat and digital feel to it to add to the internet, digital and late night themes. Overall I think it represents the themes of the show well.

Both of these title sequences are just ideas on what the final ones could look like, however I'd be happy to use them for the real thing if that option was available.

Studio Production: Producer, Studio Director, & Floor Manager

To prepare for the pitch and interview process, I did some research into the responsibilities of the three job roles I am going for.


They are responsible for overseeing production and making the programme happen. They will focus on content, style, and the people who contribute both on and off screen. This involves picking crews, and presenters. They should be able to guide and motivate the team throughout the whole production process.

As part of this role you are responsible for writing the running order and the script for the studio elements of the show. During the recording process they will sit next to the production assistant and help with timing, as well as communicating with the presenters via talkback to ensure all is going well, and they know all they need to know.


  • Delegating tasks across the production crew.
  • Monitoring progress and assisting when needed.
  • Liaising with artists and talent.
  • Checking budgets with the production manager.
  • Overseeing the edits.
  • Liaising with all parties involved in transmission.
  • Working with the look of the programme (titles, graphics, music)
  • Briefing and leading production meetings.
  • Casting

This person works closely with the producer, vision mixer, and production assistant to visually create the programme. They must be able to absorb information while following preset camera scripts and simultaneously monitoring programme content, performances and technical quality. To be a studio director you need to be clear and decisive, and you must know exactly what is going on at all times.

As the director you work with the producer to create the visual image of the show. They decide which shots are used and when they are used. The director cues everyone during the show using talkback. Although everyone should know what they are doing without a cue, things can change during a live show, and it is down to the director to communicate this to everyone.


The floor manager acts as the communication link between the gallery and the studio. They are essentially a director on the studio floor. They are responsible for ensuring sets, props, wardrobe and technical equipment are safe, ready to use and in the right places prior to filming and during the live record. They also communicate with the audience and any guests to ensure they are seated and aware of what is going on.

As well as this they are responsible for safety in the studio and responsible for making sure everyone in the studio knows what they are doing and what is going on. They pass cues onto the presenters (like counting in from a VT). They act as the eyes in the studio for the people in the gallery and they pass on any information or potential problems. The assistant floor manager and runners answer to and assist the floor manager.


These are the three roles I would like to go for, and now I know a bit more about what they involve, I can prepare and hopefully have all the answers during my pitch and possible job interview.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Studio Production: Ideas Development- Set Design

As part of my preparation for the pitch, I have worked on some set design for the two ideas I am currently working on.


Idea 1- The Big Movie Quiz

For this idea I wanted the set design to represent the glamorous Hollywood style I was going for. To do this I chose to use a L.A. backdrop with the Hollywood sign visible. I also added the film reels to the backdrop as they feature in the opening titles. I have also added a red carpet to the floor to add to the Hollywood themes, and a doorway with a glitter curtain. And finally I have add some studio lights to the set to add to the behind the scenes movie style that the show has. In terms of lighting I have used blue lights to light the backdrop like it's nighttime, and I have used white spotlights to light the host and contestants.

I have inputted the dimensions for Studio 2 into the software I used to ensure the set, cameras, and audience will fit into the studio.

Below are a few renders of the set design designed using Sweet Home 3D:

Idea 2- Win The Internet

For this set I decided to use the same layout as the previous set design as it still works well, and it's a dimension I know fits into Studio 2.

I have chosen to use a brick wall as the background as it matches the late night rustic neon style the titles have. Around the set I have placed the yellow lines that also feature in the opening titles. I have added windows to the set with a nighttime city view. This again adds to the late night feel that the show has. I have lit the backdrop using blue lights to match the blue neon style logo design.

Both sets have a similar but unique style that matches the show they have been designed for. Both sets also have TVs built into them to allow for graphics to be shown to the contestants and crowd. If either of my ideas are chosen, I will pass these designs onto our set designers as a good starting point.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Studio Production: Ideas Development- Formats & Running Orders

As part of the preparation for the pitch, I must come up with the formats for my tv show ideas. Below are the formats for my final two idea choices.


Idea 1- The Big Movie Quiz

- 30 minutes, Channel 4, 9pm
- Target audience: 18-45
- Comedy quiz show about all things movie related, old and new.
- One host, two contestants (possibly comedians)
- Each correct answer is worth 5 gold stars/points (like a film review)
- Prize: The Golden Clapper Board

Possible Running Order/Rounds-

  • Host comes out and introduces the show. Followed by a short monologue from the host consisting of film related jokes.
  • Contestants introduced, quick chat.
  • Round 1- "Say Hello To My Little Questions" (Quickfire round)
    • Round designed to get the game going, and allow the contestants to build up some stars/points. The questions are worded weirdly so they're not just typical quiz show questions, for example "Which 1997 film has the word 'tit' in the title?" or "In which 2015 film was Leonardo Dicaprio violated by a bear?".
    • Some questions will be related to other things, like finishing a quote, working out an emoji movie title, guessing which famous film poster the host has recreated, or working out a movie title after hearing a 5 second summary of its plot.
    • After each question the contestants will write their answers down on a small whiteboard and reveal them at the same time.
  • Round 2- "VT Round"
    • This round consists of questions related to VTs. The host's friends Dave and Steve have always wanted to be in the movies, so one day they got a bit drunk, and filmed a few audition tapes, for example:
      • Casting Call: They recreate a famous movie scene for an audition, and the contestants must guess which movie it is. Bonus points for the year.
      • Face Swap: They use an app to face swap with a movie star, and say a famous quote of theirs. The contestants must write down who they think it is.
      • Silent Movies: They act out the title of a movie, and the contestants must guess the title. Like charades.
      • Name That Theme: They play a movie theme badly on a recorder, and the contestants must guess the movie.
  • Trivia VT or I Ain't Afraid Of No Host -
    • 1. To allow time for the next game to be set up, a trivia VT is played. In this VT, the audience are told some trivia about a few popular movies (1:00-1:30)
    • 2. During their auditions, the contestants were shown a film explaining the rules of the show to them. During this film the host jump scares in an attempt to scare the contestants. The person who reacted the least wins the points.
  • Round 3- "Pin The Oscar"
    • Each contestant has a board with numerous hollywood stars faces on it. The host will read out a clue about one of them, and the contestants must pin the oscar on the person they think it is. The winner is the person who pins the most correct oscars.
  • Trivia VT-
    • To allow time for the next game to be set up, a trivia VT is played. In this VT, the audience are told some trivia about a few popular movies (1:00-1:30)
  • Round 4- "Box Office Line Up"
    • The person with the most stars/points will then play the final round in an attempt to win The Golden Clapper Board.
    • In this round the final contestant will be faced with a row of boxes with movie titles on them. Under each box is a card with the amount of money that has film grossed to date in the box office. The contestant must work their way along the row, guessing whether the next film made more or less money. They have two chances to get it wrong, and they're allowed help from the audience.
    • If they finish the line up, they win the prize. If not, they end up on the cutting room floor.
  • At the end of the show, the host rounds up by summarising what we've learnt during the episode. The winner is congratulated and the show ends.
Idea 2- Win The Internet

- 30 minutes, ITV2, 9pm
- Target audience: 18-35
- Comedy game show about popular internet popular internet phenomena.
- One host, two contestants (possibly comedians)
- Each winning round or correct answer is worth 21 points (as a reference to an internet meme)
- Prize: The Internet (a box of ethernet cables) and a crown. Loser must wear a poop emoji mask.

Possible Running Order/Rounds-
  • Host and contestants are already on set. Host introduces the show, and quickly talks about a recent internet phenomena.
  • Contestants introduced, quick chat.
  • Round 1- "Superfast Broadband" (Quickfire round)
    • Short questions designed to allow the contestants to quickly build up a few points. Some questions might lead onto a topic the host and contestants can quickly discuss.
    • This round ends with a VT. In this VT the host was given a task related to an internet challenge. The contestants have to guess whether they completed the task or not. The VT reveals the answer.
  • Round 2- "FML (F*ck My Life)
    • This is a VT round.
    • The contestants will be shown a VT of an intellectual looking man, reading stories in a library. The stories have been taken from the Reddit Forum FML. This forum is dedicated to people telling stories about terrible experiences they've had. 
    • The contestants will then be asked questions about the stories.
    • Two VTs will be played. 
  • Round 3- "CAT-egory Generator"
    • In this round the computer will generate categories and the contestants will play games based on those categories. The title is a play on the fact that cat videos rule the internet.
    • Categories:
      • Secret VT- The contestants don't know they took part in a challenge during their auditions.
      • Yahoo Answers- The host will read out possible Yahoo Answers questions and the contestants must decide if they are real or not.
      • CelebSnap- Contestants shown photos of celebrities that have been edited using Snapchat filters. Whoever guesses the most correctly in the allotted time wins.
  • Round 4- "Win The Internet"
    • The win the show, the contestants must both take part in, and complete a popular internet challenge e.g. bottle flip challenge.
  • At the end of the show the winner is announced and they are given a crown and The Internet. The loser is given a poop emoji mask that they must wear until the show ends.
I will now take this new information forward into the next stages on my idea development, before I eventually choose which one I will use for my pitch.

Monday, 16 January 2017

Studio Production: Initial Research Into Ideas

To help me develop my ideas, I have done some initial research into similar tv programmes.


Idea 1- The Big Movie Quiz. Similar programme- The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year

The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year is a British tv programme broadcast on Channel 4, and hosted by Jimmy Carr. It started off as an annual comedy panel quiz show that challenged three teams of comedians to answer questions about the year's events and news stories, however it has since spawned other versions that focus on specific decades, or everything (Big Fat Quiz Of The 80s, & Big Fat Quiz Of Everything). The show is played in the style of a pub quiz, where the contestants write their answers down, and mark them off at the end of each round. Each round is about a different topic (e.g. music, tv & film, sports), and the winning team win a large silver trophy. The show uses VTs in a few different ways, including using celebrities to ask some of the questions, and they ask a local primary school to act out a recent story from the news. The show is targeted at 18-44

From my research into this show I have found out more about how a quiz show can be formatted. My idea for The Big Movie Quiz, will follow a similar format of having the contestants reveal their answers at the end of each question, and then the person/persons with the correct answer will win a star. I will also use VTs to ask some of the questions or relate some of the questions too. However, unlike the Big Fat Quiz, I will have regular segments that allow the contestants to come out from behind their podiums and take part in an active game, and I will not have teams, each person will play the quiz as an individual, so they have to answer the questions without any help. My idea will also incorporate rounds, which will dictate the type of questions or style of game being played to win the stars.

Idea 2- Win The Internet. Similar programme- @Midnight with Chris Hardwick

@midnight with Chris Hardwick is a US late night tv programme broadcast on Comedy Central Extra (in the UK, Comedy Central in the US). The show is an internet based scripted/improv comedy panel game show. Each episodes features three comedians who compete against one another in a series of internet based improv games. The games are based on trending internet phenomena, and the aim is to come up with funny responses or correct answers to questions. They are then awarded points by Chris for funny or correct answers. The final round is called "For The Win", and the two comedians with the highest amount of points play it. The two comedians are given a questions, and time to come up with a funny response. The responses are then anonymously read out, and whoever gets the best reaction from the audience, wins the show. The show is targeted at the 18-44 audience bracket.

From my research into this show, I have learnt more about the type of show people interested in internet based things might like to see. The show should be funny, and so should the internet phenomena being spoken about, otherwise it could get boring or confusing. Similar to this show, I think it's best to use comedians as contestants, not just general members of the public. As well as this, I think it'd be good to find a host who is good on social media, and is also quite a funny and knowledgeable person. The one challenge with this idea will be to keep it up to date, as it's being worked on over a series of weeks, and things on the internet can become old very quickly. From this I can also see that the late night tv show slot and style, can fit a quiz show about all things on the internet.

I will now use this research to continue to develop these two ideas, before I choose which one I'm going to use for my pitch.


Studio Production: Ideas Lab Feedback

We recently had a small group ideas lab to share our ideas and get feedback.


In the group session I shared The Big Movie Quiz, Win The Internet, and Live From The Basement with the group. I didn't share all of the details, because I haven't decided on everything yet.

I showed the group some of my logo ideas, set design ideas, and shared my round ideas for the quizzes with them.

The group liked my ideas, and agreed that The Big Movie Quiz or Win The Internet would be my best choices for the pitch.

I have now decided to drop That Classic Gameshow and Live From The Basement. I will continue to develop The Big Movie Quiz, and Win The Internet and once I've had my tutorial, I will choose my final idea.


Studio Production: Initial Ideas

The Studio Production unit is the unit I have been most excited about since starting the course, and so I've been working on my ideas since the summer. I'd like to do an entertainment game show/quiz of some sort, and I have come up with a few initial ideas that will allow me to explore this avenue. Some are more developed than others.


Idea 1- Win The Internet

Win The Internet is a late night comedy quiz/gameshow about popular internet phenomena. As part of the show, two contestants compete against each other in an attempt to win the internet. Win the internet is a popular term for someone who has done very well online. One of the comedy elements of the show is that the points don't really matter, because at the end of the show the audience decides who won the internet. The winner then receives the internet (a box of ethernet cables) and a crown, whilst the loser must wear a poop emoji mask for the rest of the show. In terms of target channels, I'd say either late night Comedy Central or ITV2.

Idea 2- The Big Movie Quiz

The Big Movie Quiz is a comedy/entertainment quiz show about all things movie related, old and new. As part of the show two or three contestants compete against each other to win gold stars (instead of points) by answering quiz type questions across of series of movie related rounds. The winner across the initial rounds then gets to play Box Office Line Up. In this final round the contestant is faced with a series of boxes, each containing the total box office of a certain movie. They must then work their way down the line, guessing whether the next film earnt more, or less money in the box office. If they complete the line up, they win the show, and the golden clapper board.

Idea 3- That Classic Gameshow

That Classic Gameshow is a gameshow that takes classic games from classic gameshows, and puts a modern twist on them. This idea is not as developed as the other ideas, and it's more of a back up idea incase the others fail.

Idea 4- Live From The Basement

Live From The Basement is a late night variety program set in a basement/social club setting. Each night/week a musician, comedian, and variety act would perform on the show, and chat to the host. The show mixes the variety and chat show elements together. That's all the development this idea currently has.

Those four ideas are my initial ideas. I will now go forward with these, work on which ones I'd like to keep, and eventually choose one as my final pitch idea. If I had to choose one now, I'd like to use The Big Movie Quiz, as it's the one I can see working well with the time constraints, and budget we have as students.

Studio Production: Brief

For our next unit we will be focusing on the production of studio based television programmes.


As part of the unit each of us has to come up with a pitch for a live 30 minute studio show. The idea that is commissioned will then be worked on by the group, with the creator becoming the producer.

For each idea we should have information on:

- Title
- Format
- Channel/broadcaster/target audience/schedule
- 4x VT insets
- Set, costumes, props
- Viral marketing
- Title sequence and credits

As well as this, our technical tutor Del has asking us to think about:

- Cameras
- Autocue
- Sound design
- Vision mixing
- Live GFX
- Set layout/camera layout
- Stings/idents
- Music beds
- Lighting

I will use all of this information to begin to develop a few ideas, of which I will eventually choose one to use as the basis for my pitch on 24th January.

Studio 2 Gallery at The Maidstone Studios