Wednesday 23 March 2016

Documentary- Screen Graphic Tests

As part of my pre-production for the documentary unit, I decided to put together some screen graphics to show others the vision I had for the documentary.


These screen graphic tests give you an idea of the theme and possibly the narrative. They are only tests and so may not be what the final graphics will look like, but they do give you a good idea of what I'm thinking about.

I showed them to the rest of my team and the feedback I got was positive, however they did say that they seemed a little school like, as though this was a children's documentary. This is something to think about.

Theses graphic tests give you an idea of how we might show:
  • Titles
  • Quotes
  • Pictures
  • And statistics
Here they are:

Title Card
Quote Graphic
Picture Graphic
Statistic Graphic

*Images created by me using Photoshop.


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