Wednesday 21 September 2016

Digital News: The Brief & Initial Idea

New year, new term, new unit...


For this unit we have been tasked with creating our own original online news channel. As part of this we must produce our own content that fits with the channel brand and identity. We must produce three videos for this unit, 1 news package, 1 live report, and one promotional trailer. We must also create an online channel/website for this digital news production.

After initially reading this brief I was quite pleased to see what it was we had to do. Over the years I have produced a few of my own original online productions. None of them really focused on news, but it still means I have some experience in producing work for the internet that follows a specific brand or idea.

For this unit we will be working as groups. I decided that it would be a good idea if I worked with some people I hadn't really worked with before, and so I ended up in a group with Ida, Nisserin and Rebecca. I'm very excited to see how this group develops and to see how we work together to get the job done.


As a group, we decided to sit down and discuss our ideas for this unit. To start the session off, Ida suggested that we create something based around social media, and getting our audience involved. It was quite clear that our target audience should be students, as we are students, and we know students love social media.

So I could give the group an idea of what was going through my mind, I showed them a video on YouTube called the Topical Waffle. I will go into it more in another post, but Topical Waffle is basically a comedy news show about the weeks news. It has a very specific style, and it is very funny. After watching this, we all knew we wanted to do something funny. We decided that our news production would focus on the funny side of the news, aimed at students.

After this we spent at least two hours brainstorming and coming up with ideas based on what we had already decided. I will go into the specifics of the idea on another post after we have had our ideas lab.

At the end of our session, we all gave ourselves some homework, to prepare for our ideas lab. We also decided on our roles, which are:

Director/Writer- Rebecca
Editor/Presenter- Joshua (me)
DOP/Camera Op- Nisserin
Sound/Assistant Camera- Ida

We will all work as co-producers on this project.

By the end of the meeting, we were all feeling pretty happy about the ideas we had come up with, and we are all looking forward to working on this unit.



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