Thursday 1 March 2018

Major Project: Shoot Days Reschedule

We were due to film our major project on the 2nd, 3rd, & 4th May but unfortunately have had to reschedule.


Due to extreme weather conditions (ice & heavy snow), and actor availability we have had to reschedule our shoot days and push them back by about two weeks. This was not an easy decision to make but unfortunately we had too because it was not safe to shoot at our chosen location with weather like this. It was also going to cause a major continuity issue.

Our next step is to re-book equipment and Ellie will stay in contact with our cast and crew to ensure the new dates are suitable and everything is in place for us to still film on said dates. During this extra time we have we can now ensure we are super prepared for the filming days. This will allow me to do some more research and work on a good storyboard.


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