Thursday 15 March 2018

Major Project: Shot List Draft 4 & Storyboard Draft 1

As we had to change the blocking of scene 6, I have created a new shot list to correspond with that. I have also created a first draft storyboard.


The only change to this new shot list is the addition of a few new shots in scene 6 that correspond with the new blocking. I have added in some tracking shots that follow the characters as they walk from the new entrance to the storage room to the location of all of the boxes. I have also included a new close up that highlights Clive's look at the vehicle parked in the storage room. Everything else is still the same.

I can now use this final shot list to create a storyboard for the DOP.


To create this shot list I used the 3D models of the set I had created earlier in the production. I placed cameras in the scenes and lit them like Ellen did during out test shoots. I then exported all of the images and placed them into a storyboard. I felt that by doing this Ellen would be able to better understand my framing choices, rather than looking at bad drawings, or just the shot list and blocking.

By creating a detailed storyboard, I shouldn't have to ever touch the camera to show Ellen how I want a shot to be framed. She can refer to the storyboard which hopefully is enough to demonstrate my vision for each scene. Each shot is labelled with its corresponding number on the shot list. This will hopefully make it easy to track which shots were are on during the shoot.

At the end of the process it will be interesting to see how similar the final shots are to the ones in this storyboard.


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