Tuesday 8 December 2015

Directions: Red Riding Prep Project

As part of our directions unit lectures we were given the script for the opening scene of "Red Riding 1974". We then had to act as though we were directing it and pick a cast, crew, locations & think about tone and style.


Eddie Dunford- Eddie Redmayne

Bill Hadley- Bill Nighy

Maurice Jobson- David Tennant

Kathryn Tyler- Sian Gibson

Barry Gannon- Benedict Cumberbatch

Bill Molloy- Philip Glenister

Mrs. Kemplay- Belinda Stewart-Wilson


Director of Photography- Balazs Bolygo

Production Designer- Brian Sykes

Editor- Colin Fair


Leeds: Leeds.

Leeds Skyline
Dawson Construction site: Construction site in Kent.

Construction site
M1 Motorway: Thanet Way.

Thanet Way
Wakefield Police Station, Conference Room: Build set in a studio.

Conference Room


Handheld, gritty, action packed feel. Low-saturation. Dark, naturalistic feel. Natural lighting. Realism.


Ripper Street (2012-present)
Life on Mars (2006-2007)


Similar vibe to the visual. Natural sound.

Construction site: Nighttime ambience/foley.

Motorway- Radio in car. Traffic noise. Rain on windscreen. Sounds of car accelerating.

Conference Room- People talking. Phones ringing. People typing (type writers or computers?).


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