Friday 4 November 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Brief & Chosen Poem


For our second unit this year, we have been tasked with adapting a poem into a visual production, as well as producing an essay about the subject of adaptation. This unit will help me develop my filmmaking skills by allowing me to adapt somebody elses work, and by allowing me to try new filmmaking techniques.

As part of this unit, we are being encouraged to try new types of filmmaking. I decided over the summer that I wanted to attempt computer animation, to help develop my After Effects skills, and so I kept this in mind whilst choosing my poem.

We were given a list of poems to choose from, and after reading through all of them, I chose a poem called "Wish You Were Here" by Emrys Plant.

I chose this poem because as I was reading it, I found it really easy to visualise it in my head. As I was able to visualise it, it showed that I understood it, and because I can understand it, I should be able to adapt it with ease. Out of all the other poems, I think this one will make sense in an animated form.

I began to brainstorm some ideas:

I am very excited about this project, and I'm looking forward to attempting something new. I need to get started soon, as animation takes a long time.



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