Wednesday 9 November 2016

Fiction Adaptation: New Poem, New Ideas

To begin the pre-production process for this new unit, I sat and read through my new poem choice a few times, and these are the ideas that are currently running through my mind.


When I read through the poem, these are the images I see:

  • A car parked outside a dental practice, or clinical looking building.
  • A car radio
  • Somebody filing a book on a shelf with the label "Greatest Achievements of Postmodernism"
  • A helicopter flying over a city on fire
  • A car filled with memories, and looking as though someone has been living there for a while.
  • An angel flying through the car
  • Sound effects of a war zone
I have a few ideas:
  • I'd really like to attempt doing something in one shot, or making it look like one shot. I've never tried this before. I could look at using the stedi-cam for this?
  • I want to use a car, and give it a personality, as though it's telling a story by what using what it hides in its interior.
  • I have an idea where it looks as though a car crash has just happened, and the camera is using the poem to guide the audience through the aftermath.
An example of a good one shot or "oner":



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