Thursday 17 November 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Poem/Poet Background Research

My chosen poem "Poem Heard on Heart 105" was written by an English poet called Ross Sutherland. Below I have gathered some background research on him...


Ross is poem writer and performer. He, along with another poet, Luke Wright, is a founding member of Aisle 16, a stand up collective of young performance based poets. He combines a unique blend of lyrical parody and sass to produce poetry, laugh a minute podcasts, live literature events, and one man theatre shows. He is a regular at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

His poems are anarchically imaginative, and have a freeform approach that mixes the mundanity of everyday life, with the futurist and wryly absurd. His poems are very popular in the performance poetry scene. During his time, he has collaborated with many illustrators, animators, and short film makers, so help him visualise his poems, and short literature productions.

As well as poetry, he has also worked on poetry based games, a full length science fiction film, and interactive thearte. Since 2009 he has been toruing a one man show called The Three Stigmata of Pacman.

"Poerty is the character in a horror film that runs up to the monster and is immediately killed by it, just so the audience can learn what the monster's special skill is"

I think Ross is a very interesting poet, and I like how he adds to humour to poems about everyday life, and I think 'Poem Heard on Heart 105" is a great example of this. I'm also pleased to learn that he has worked with others before to produce visual material for his poems. My next step will be to contact him, and hopefully learn more about the poem I have chosen.




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