Monday 14 November 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Script/Cast/Locations


As part of the pre-production for the fiction adaptation unit, I have produced a camera script. This script will help me as I prepare for production, as it will help me decide how I am going to pull this off in one shot. It will work alongside my camera movement test. I beleive the camera movement is the most important thing about this adaptation, as I am using the camera to tell a story, not the poem.


For this adaptation I don't need to hire any actors, as I am using the camera, and objects, to tell the story. There are no cast members, although I do need someone to play a dead body. I will look at using a friend for this, as I don't see the point in paying for an actor to just lay down on the floor for 10 seconds and do nothing.

I have a few options lined up for the vehicle.


For my location, I need a large, open space to place my scene. I am thinking about using a field, of which there are many in Kent. I need to find one that works well for my story, is accessible, and looks good on camera. There are a few near my home which I have used before, and will consider for this production. Below are a few google images to help visualise the location I am looking for:



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