Monday 14 November 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Camera Movement Test

To help myself, and others, visualise my idea for fiction adaptation, I created a test video.


To create this test video, I used the Director Mode, and Rockstar Editor on Grand Theft Auto V. Although GTA is a game, I have found that it can be a very useful tool for testing out ideas, as you can record clips, and then edit the camera movement using keyframes. You can even control time of day and weather, as well as focus, and zoom.

I set up my scene using the game controls, and then I recorded my clip. I then used the Rockstar Editor to edit the camera movements and create my test sequence. I then exported the footage into Premiere Pro and added in a recording of Ross Sutherland reading my chosen poem.

Once I had worked on the audio, I colour corrected the footage to give people a good idea of the colouring I would like to go for, and then the test sequence was complete.

I think this test sequence will give people a good idea of what it is I am going for, and I'd highly recommend this tool to anyone else who needs help visualising their idea. All that is missing from this test sequence is the objects I will use to help tell the story, but the camera movement is still there.


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