Thursday 23 March 2017

Studio Production: 2nd Set Design Meeting

The set design team from CAFT Rochester recently came to visit us at the studios to discuss the set design for The Big Movie Quiz.


We started the meeting off by given the team a tour of the studio the show will be recorded in. We showed them the space they would have and what Becca and I were currently thinking about positioning (set, cameras, audience).

After the studio tour, Becca and I briefed the team on the changes that had been made to the show since we last saw them. This was mostly changes to the third round of the show, which is now a different game (American Pie In Your Face). We then opened the room up for questions.

The set design team asked a few questions about measurements, style and tone, flooring, lighting etc.. and we were able to answer all questions to a good degree. We mentioned to the team that we would be providing the TV for the set. They then spent some time measuring the television so they could design a way to incorporate it into the set design.

Below is the presentation we gave them:

In my opinion this meeting went really well, and I think they understand what it is we want from them. I look forward to seeing what designs they come up with.


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