Wednesday 29 March 2017

Studio Production: PM 8 & Changes To Round 4

We recently had another production meeting where I delivered details of the new format for round 4 to the group.


It became clear in our first rehearsal that there were still some issues with the format of round 4. It was down to me to address this, and so I came up with a new format that didn't affect the main elements of the game. These are the changes:

- The two contestants still compete against one another, accept they now compete separately, with the person with the most points playing first.
- Whilst one contestant is on set playing the game, the other will be backstage with sound proof headphones on.
- They each have two minutes to get as many correct boxes as possible.
- The winner of the two gets 10 bonus points added onto their final score, which could change the game.

This new format is fairer as it allows both contestants to have a go at the final game, and it could mean either contestant could still win. It also uses the time up better, as I don't feel the original format would've lasted the time given (5 minutes).

The final change to this game follows a redesign by the set design team. They came up with a prop that will work better for this round than the original boxes idea that I had. Instead it will be a line of sliding doors that the host opens to reveal the amount of money each film has made at the box office.

A model of the new prop
As well as these changes, there were a few other updates during the production meeting:
- Contestant auditions have been scheduled and we will have two confirmed contestants by Saturday 25th March.
- Sam is working to find a warm up act for the show.
- The website is now live ( and the tickets for the show are now available (
- Articles are being written for the website and will be published ASAP.
- A trailer for the show has been completed and is now live on social media.
- Our first day of rehearsals went really well and all feedback from Del was very positive.
- The set has been designed and is now being constructed (see other blog post)
- Stand ins have been sourced for rehearsals

We will now move onto the next stage of the production, following up on any queries made during this production meeting.


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