Saturday 11 March 2017

Studio Production: Masterclass 3 with Del Brown

For our third and final masterclass with Del Brown we focused on everyone's job roles for the show.


For this workshop we all got a chance to try out everyone's roles which included:

- Director
- Vision Mixer
- Gallery P.A.
- Floor Manager
- 5x Camera Ops
- 2x Sound
- Graphics Op

To do this we rotated around the positions every 5-10 minutes, each time producing a three minute 1+2 chat show. We started off in the roles we had for the show, and kept going around until we got back to those roles. As I'm the producer, I don't have a role that others can try out in the studio, so I started off as a presenter.

I went around each role and got a chance to spend a good amount of time trying it out. I enjoyed being the presenter, vision mixer and director the most. I also found that those three roles were, in my opinion, the roles I was best at (although presenter doesn't count as a role any of us have on this production).

In the afternoon we got a chance to stay in our roles that we have for the show, and we produced a short shopping channel type program, which gave everyone a chance to try out new skills including the camera ops who had a challenge to get good close ups, and to follow moving objects.

I found this final workshop the most useful because I now understand what each person on this production has to do. As producer I don't do any of the roles so if we hadn't done this, I wouldn't have been able to understand what each person has to go through to make the show a success. Now I do understand and I appreciate everyone has an important job to do. This will make rehearsals a lot easier for me as I now know what everyone does, and how they contribute to the final production.


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