Thursday 23 March 2017

Studio Production: First Rehearsal (14/03/17)

We recently had our first rehearsal in the studios for The Big Movie Quiz.


We started the day off by meeting in the gallery of Studio 5 for a script read through. For many, this may be the first time they've read through the whole script, so this was a good chance for me to ensure everyone knows how the show works and what will hopefully happen during the 30 minute run time. I also found this read through helped me understand the show better. It became clear during the meeting that there was still an issue with fairness in the final round. I also discovered that I had not come up with a way to solve a tie break situation. These are things I think about before I write the next script.

After the script read through, we all went into the studio (minus the P.A, vision mixer, and graphics operator) and Becca began to block the show with the crew. This was an essential part of the process as up to this point, Becca and I were the only people that knew the full blocking for the show, and Becca was the only person that knew the full shot list for the show. This took some time but after it was complete I was satisfied that everyone now had a good idea of how the show should look.

Meanwhile in the gallery, Alex (our technician from the studios) had been able to upload some of our graphics onto the vision mixing desk, meaning we could use them during the rehearsal. The graphics computer had also been set up meaning we could have lower thirds and score cards on screen. Finally, Sammi had programmed her sound software meaning we had music beds, stings, and grams for the rehearsal. We were so prepared to do this rehearsal Del was very happy and surprised.

Because we were prepared, we got off to a good start. We had third years Wez, Harry, & Adele as stand ins which made the rehearsals a lot easier because everyone could do their own jobs. Once rehearsals started Becca went into the gallery to join the other crew, and I stayed in the studio to help with positioning and to help Sammi on sound (e.g. telling her who buzzed and if people got questions right or wrong so she knew which sound effects to use). I would've liked to have been in the gallery so I could actually watch the show, but I understand why I had to stay in the studio.

During the rehearsal we were able to get through almost 7 minutes of the show, which I though was amazing considering the time we had and considering that this was our first rehearsal. I was happy with how the show was looking so far, and I am looking forward to being in the gallery during the next rehearsal so I can observe the visual side of the show. I have a lot of notes on my script, so I have a new draft to write, and a new running order to create. I will come up with a new format for round 4 to make it fairer and to include a way to hopefully avoid a tie break situation.

At the end of the day Del called us all into the studio for a debrief. He is very very happy with the progress we made, and this is all down to the preparation of Becca and I to ensure we had a full script and shot list to start out first rehearsal with. This is also down to the sound and graphics department who had a lot of elements ready for us to use. And finally it's down to Alex and Ferg who had everything in the studio ready for us when we needed it, and were able to quickly respond to every request we had.

I look forward to the next rehearsal, where we will aim to finish the entire show.


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