Saturday 11 March 2017

Studio Production: PM 5 & Changes to show

Our fifth production meeting followed the feedback from our test shoots, so a few changes have been made to the show.


1. VT Round: Instead of having four small VTs that the contestants answer questions about, there will now be one feature VT (3'30") they watch and answer questions about. This VT will be in the style of a mockumentary that is following Normans journey to become an actor. This change has been made to allow the audience to get to know Norman over a longer period of time, without us cutting to and from the studio.

2. The part of the show where the host goes into the audience and asks them about their favourite movies has now been replaced with a new VT (1'00"). In this VT Norman will star in a trailer for his new homemade movie. This will allow us time to do a quick set change, and allows the audience to connect with Norman more.

3. Round 3: Pin The Award has been scrapped and will be replaced in due course once I have come up with some new ideas. These will then be run past the group so we can do a vote.

During this production meeting we also decided that will we have charity buckets that we will pass round the audience before the show so we can donate some money to charity, something we as a group would like to do. We however we not be putting a charge on the tickets as part of this, they will still be free. We will decide what charity to donate to before the next production meeting.

Finally we have assigned roles to all of the first years who would like to part of the show, these are listed below:


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