Saturday 11 March 2017

Studio Production: Auditions & Host

All of our possible candidates were invited in for an audition, however only two of them could make it, the rest sent in audition tapes.


We set up in one of the small production rooms with a camera and a few chairs. Before any of our candidates arrived we discussed as a group what we would like to get out of the auditions.

Our first candidate was Piers Hunt. We started by asking him a few questions so we could fill out a quick form. Next we asked him about any relevant experience he might have. Once all of this was done we moved onto a test scene. He had brought along with him an annotated copy of the script which was a big positive for me. We tested out the opening of the show and round 1. After a read through with stand ins, we threw it over to him and asked if he had any questions for us. After about 20 minutes, he was done and it was time for the next candidate.

George Sesay was our next and final candidate. We ran through the same process with him as we had done with Piers so I won't go through it again. George was a very confident and funny person. He delivered the script well.

Once our candidates had gone, we sat down as a group and watched the audition tapes of our other candidates. For each candidate we rated them on a few areas like appearance, personality, and mannerisms. We also rewatched the auditions of Piers and George.

At the end of the day, we added up all the scores, and the result was:

Piers Hunt

Piers got the highest score and so if all goes well he is the host of The Big Movie Quiz.


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