Saturday 11 March 2017

Studio Production: Script 5, Running Order 4

Following on from all of the new changes made to the show, I have produced a new script and running order.


In this new draft I have:
- Written new dialogue for round 2 to match the new extended VT that the contestants answer questions about.
- Written an intro to Normans film trailer.
- Changed the timings in the script to match the new running order.
- Taken out all dialogue for round 3. This will be rewritten once the new round 3 is confirmed.
- The monologue has been reduced to one joke to allow us to get on with the show quicker than before. This also allows more time for round 2 which is now slightly longer.


In this new draft I have:
- Added in all of the new sections including Normans mockumentary and Normans film trailer.
- Added new timings for most elements of the show to reflect the changes made to round 2 and 3.

The new script and running order will be uploaded to the Google Drive so everyone can access them.


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