Thursday 4 May 2017

Professional Practice: Commission Treatment

Commission Treatment

Produce a 10-15 minute teacher training film about questioning techniques used by specific teachers in English, Maths, Science, & P.E. Include reactions from students to these techniques and details from the teachers on why they do it, how it helps the students, and what advice they have for other teachers who want to do it too.

- Kate Grieg, Headteacher
- Dominic Chidlow, English Teacher
- Andrea Vargova, Maths Teacher
- Joss Rebera, Science Teacher
- Chris Franks, P.E. Teacher
- Student contributors to be chosen by teachers during filming

- TITLE: King Ethelbert School: Questioning in Lessons
- Interview with headteacher setting the film up and describing what the audience is about to see and learn more about.
- TITLE: Questioning in Lessons: English
- Interview with English teacher with actuality from the lesson.
- Interview with student from that lesson
- TITLE: Questioning in Lessons: Maths
- Interview with Maths teacher with actuality from the lesson.
- Interview with student from that lesson
- TITLE: Questioning in Lessons: Science
- Interview with English teacher with actuality from the lesson.
- Interview with student from that lesson
- TITLE: Questioning in Lessons: P.E
- Interview with P.E teacher with actuality from the lesson.
- Interview with student from that lesson
- TITLE: King Ethelbert School: Questioning in Lessons
- Interview with headteacher closing the film and setting out what the viewers should've just learnt.

Filming Dates & To Film:
- Tuesday 18th April: Kate Grieg interview. Joss Rebera lesson.
- Wednesday 19th April: Andrea Vargova lesson. Dominic Chidlow lesson. Joss Rebera interview.
- Thursday 20th April: Dominic Chidlow interview. Andrea Vargova interview.
- Friday 21st April: Student interviews. Chris Franks lesson. Chris Franks interview.

Interview Details:
- To be filmed in Meeting Room 1 in the reception area.
- Set dressing needed: educational related.
- Questions to be written based on information from initial meetings.

Actuality Details:
- English: To be filmed in M1.
- Maths: To be filmed in R7
- Science: To be filmed in G6
- P.E: To be filmed on the tennis courts.


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