Monday 24 April 2017

Professional Practice: Call Sheet/Schedule

As part of the pre-production for my commission I have produced a call sheet/schedule.


To create this I used the information from the schedule I had produced in contact with the school, this included interview times with teachers and locations for all lessons being filmed. I used this information to put together call times and arrange breaks. This information will help me stay prepared and organised throughout the shoot. It will also ensure I have time to set up at each location before the lessons actually start, something I think will be essential as once the classroom is full of students, it would be disruptive of me to set up.

This call sheet/schedule also has other important information like the nearest hospital, catering info, and dress code info.

Below is the final call sheet/schedule that will be shared with my contact at the school so she knows what schedule I will be following during the filming week.


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