Saturday 7 October 2017

Professional Pre-Production: Intial ideas for Characters

These are my initial ideas for the main characters of my hypothetical idea, Pleasure Park.


As this show is loosely based on my experiences working in an amusement park, most of these characters are loosely based on real people, with a few exaggerations.


Frank 'Mr Pleasure' Diamond
- Frank is the boss at Pleasure Park. He has an awesome Magnum P.I. moustache.

Debbie 'Mrs Pleasure' Diamond
- Debbie is Franks wife. They've been married for 15 years, and they met during the early days of Pleasure Park when they both worked as ride operators. She is Head of Customer Service at Pleasure Park.

Sara Green
Sara (everyone pronounces it Sarah, which she hates) Green is the HR Manager at Pleasure Park. She has a weird laugh.

Ned Parker
Ned Parker is the Health and Safety Manager at Pleasure Park.

Jimmy (Jim/James) Reynolds
Jimmy is the oldest and wisest Ride Operator at Pleasure Park. He thinks he knows better than Frank.

Daniel Waterhouse
Daniel is new to Pleasure Park. This is his first season as a Ride Operator. He has a lot to learn.

Emily Roberts
Emily is that one girl everyone talks about (in a bad way), but if you get to know her you'll find out she's a nice person. Everyone has a crush on her, including newbie Daniel. She is a Ride Operator at Pleasure Park.


Katie Smith
Katie likes the colour black. Black hair, black clothes, black lipstick, she's got it all. She's a Ride Operator at Pleasure Park.

Sophie Smith
Sophie's the opposite of her sister Katie. She's a very girly girl who loves all things pink. She is two years younger than her sister. She has a crush on Jake but won't admit it because everyone hates him. She thinks she can change him. She's a Ride Operator at Pleasure Park.

Jake Evans
Jake is a bit of a bully. He's not nice to everyone because he thinks it's funny. He loves to pick on a newbie so Daniel quickly becomes his victim. He's a Ride Operator at Pleasure Park.

Oscar Wood
Oscar is a Ride Operator at Pleasure Park. He's the really cool dude everyone wants to be friends with. He has no enemies, and he loves everyone.

Harry Clarke
Harry isn't the most popular person. He's a bit of a weird guy, and it puts people off. He likes comic books and cosplay. Him and newbie Daniel become good friends right away as Danie finds it easy to talk to him. Harry is a Ride Operator at Pleasure Park.

Lucy Taylor
Lucy is a real life gossip girl. She loves to spread gossip, and it's her that starts rumours about Emily. She is a Ride Operator at Pleasure Park.

Freddie White
Freddie is a Ride Operator at Pleasure Park. He really wants to work in management but has never made it. He does everything he can to keep Frank happy, which frustrates everybody else.


Nobody knows a lot about creepy old Reggie. He visits the park almost every day to see all the staff. He especially likes talking to Sophie, which she doesn't like.


Steven & Beth
Steven & Beth are 'professional' filmmakers/advertising experts who are brought in to help create a brand-new advert for the park. Surprise, surprise, they're crap at what they do.

I have chosen to have this many characters because I wanted to represent the number of different personalities that can exist in such a unique workplace. You have a bad boss, a nervous H&S manager, a wise owl, the newbie, the hot girl, the goth, the girly girl, the popular boy, the badass, the geek, the teachers pet, and the regular customer, as well as others. These are all based on the types of people I crossed paths with during my time working in an amusement park. My next step is to work on detailed character profiles for each person, and begin casting.


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