Tuesday 24 October 2017

Professional Pre-Production: Broadcaster Change: Netflix to Sky One

Whilst developing the show, and after discussing the show with others, I have realised that this show will not work on Netflix, and so I have decided to change the broadcaster.


I feel the show is too British for Netflix, and not the type of show that Netflix would be interested in making. The cast I have currently chosen also don't fit with the types of cast you get on a Netflix production, which would usually be up and coming stars you haven't heard of yet. I initial decision for choosing Netflix was purely based on personal preference, and not what would work for the show, and so Netflix is now out of the question.


Sky One is an entertainment channel launched in 1982. It is operated by the broadcasting company Sky plc. They broadcast programs mainly imported from the US, however they also play a lot of original comedy programming like A League of Their Own, An Idiot Abroad, Trollied, & Stella.

They have an average audience share of 0.67% a month; 0.07% on Sky 1+1 (Barb, September 2017). Although low, their audience share is higher than most other non-mainstream channels, the mainstream channels being BBC, ITV, Channel 4, & Channel 5. They also provide an On-Demand service for Sky customers.


Sky One have a history of commissioning original comedy productions, as well as a history commissioning work place comedy (e.g. Trollied). The show itself is very British and so I feel it belongs on a British channel. Although Sky One mainly broadcasts US programmes, they make a point in broadcasting original British programming on a regular basis too. Sky also have deals with US broadcasters like FOX that enable them to share programming, so this show would possibly be available on an international scale too. Their On-Demand service will also mean viewers can choose to watch the show when they prefer, so the benefits of having the show on Netflix, still apply even with it being broadcast by Sky One instead. And finally, as Sky One is a subscription channel, their is a little more freedom as to what you can, and can't do.

I feel the light, colourful and friendly feel of the Sky One brand matches the feel and style of this programme. And I feel as Sky One is currently broadcasting more original British content than it ever has before, they'll be more than happy to add another show to their list.


My chosen audience for the show is 18-35 year olds of a working class background. I have chosen this audience for two reasons, because the comedy & characters in the show appeals to younger viewers, and because the show is about working class people, and the environment they work in. My research has found that although Sky One caters for the whole family, their late night slots are aimed at 18-35 year olds. I also found that their highest audience figures generally fall in the 16-34 age for both men and women, and also in the housewives with children bracket. This shows my target audience would be reached if the show were broadcast on Sky One, which is another reason why I chose the channel as my broadcaster.

Overall I think Sky One will be a better home for the show than Netflix will be. The show will more likely be commissioned by Sky One because it is too British for Netflix.

Sky One Audience Research: https://www.skymedia.co.uk/channels/sky-1/


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