Wednesday 18 October 2017

Professional Pre-Production: Initial Marketing Mock-Ups Version 1

As part of my role as a concept producer on this unit I will be producing marketing material (e.g. posters, billboards etc...) for Pleasure Park.


To begin this process I spent some time looking at how theme parks promoted themselves, specifically the theme parks I'd looked at when creating the show's logo. These were the examples I focused on:

From this research I learnt that theme park's market themselves in a fun and colourful manor. The advertisements tend to feature a rollercoaster, or an iconic ride from that park. They also feature the logo of the park being advertised somewhere on the page. I also found that at least three of the posters used childrens TV characters to advertise and gain the attention of children. The three parks that did this have areas of their parks dedicated to these characters. I also noticed that the sky tends to feature in the posters, perhaps to show the heights of the rides featured too.

To further this development, I began looking into how my chosen broadcaster, which at that moment in time was Netflix, to see how they advertised their content. These were the examples I looked at:

From this research I found a number of similarities in the way Netflix advertise their content:
- The Netflix logo features on the poster (often at the top)
- The line 'A Netflix Original Series' appears either above, or below the title of the show
- The main character(s) are on the poster.
- At the bottom of the poster it tells you when the show will be available to stream on the service.
- If the show has a tagline, it is also written on the poster
- All of the posters follow the themes of the show they are advertising

Finally I wanted to look into the most common types of advertising. During my research I found that the most common ways to advertise television programs (not including online) were:
- Posters (posted put up anywhere possible)
- Billboards
- Buses
- Bus stops

Taking all of this information on board, I began working on my initial poster design. I decided it should follow the design of the show's title card, using the same fonts, colours and graphics.

I started off by drawing a design on paper first, which looked like this:

This design followed the Netflix standards by placing the Netflix logo at the top, and release date at the bottom. I forgot however to add the 'Netflix Original Series' text. I ensured my final designs had this.

I used this outline to create a poster in Photoshop.


This poster uses the ideas I had picked up from my research into theme park posters and Netflix posters. The poster is colourful and follows the style of the show. 

I decided to add a tagline to the poster to add a bit of comedy to it. The tagline 'We'll Pleasure You' comes from a line the main character of the show says a lot to customers without realising how rude it sounds. I thought it'd be quite a funny tagline for the show, and for the fictional theme park itself.

The release date for the show (Feb 2018) comes from my research into Netflix series release dates, they tend to be in the first half of the year. I thought the show could form part of their New Year schedule. Also, the show would've probably been filmed during the summer period of 2017, so an early 2018 release seems realistic. 

I like the design of the poster, and although it does look a little animated, I feel it fits the style of the show, and the vision I have for it. I also feel as the show is a mockumentary, it makes sense that the poster looks like an advertisement for the fake theme park, as well as the show about it.

Using the above poster as a template, I created other marketing mock ups:





Overall I am very happy with my initial marketing mock-ups, and I feel they fit with the themes and styles of the theme park posters, and Netflix posters I used a references. These designs will change as the project progresses, these are just my initial designs.


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