Wednesday 25 October 2017

Professional Pre-Production: Greenlight Pitch

As part of this process I had to deliver a pitch for Pleasure Park. The aim of this was to receive feedback to help develop the idea.


In preparation for this pitch I:

- Defined the show and the channel
- Laid out the story arc, and synopses for each episode
- Described the characters
- Cast the show
- Explored possible locations
- Created branding and promotional material
- Created an opening title sequence.

Below is a link to the presentation I used for the pitch. This presentation was designed to fit with the style and themes of the show.


Feedback was mostly positive, but I was also given some constructive comments:

- Unique idea
- Good characters
- Branding and promotions good
- Episode synopses improved since first version

- Female characters too clique, not unique like the male characters
- Some elements of the synopses still need improving
- Branding good, but maybe still too animated
- Cast needs a major rethink. Too well known to play fictional real life people.

I will take all of this feedback on board and begin making changes to the show, mostly to the cast. I have decided to stop developing my branding and promotional material. I like it as it is, and I will find a good way to back this up. Just because a comedy like this hasn't had an animated look to it before, doesn't mean this one can't.


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