Wednesday 7 December 2016

Fiction Adaptation: Casting/Characters

For my script I need to cast a young boy, and a mother, so I have decided to use my little brother, and my mum.



The young boy is the main character in this story. He is about 12 years old. He used to his mother leaving him alone for a few minutes in the car, she has done it a few times. Normally whilst he is waiting for her, he likes to sit back, relax, put the radio on and listen to some music. After pulling up in a side alley, his mother has quickly gone to get something, and so he has been left alone for a few minutes. But, he is not alone.

For this part I have chosen to cast my younger brother, Alfie.

I have chosen to cast him because he fits the role perfectly. He is a young boy, aged 12, who I believe my audience would feel scared for if they saw him left alone in an empty car park. Working with child actors can also be a very difficult process, so I thought casting a family member would make production a little easier. I will still be paying him however.

Below is the artist contract his parent (my mum) signed:


The mother is a secondary character. She is in her 30s-40s. She has left her son in the car a few times whilst she quickly grabs something from the shops, so leaving him in the car on this occasion is normal for her. However, she doesn’t like leaving him all the time, it’s just easier, and because someone is in the car, she doesn’t need to find somewhere to park up, she can quickly leave the car in this back alley. She is always worried that something could happen, unfortunately, on this occasion, something terrible does happen.

For this part I have chosen to cast my mum, Claire.

I have chosen to cast her for this part because I feel she fits the character. She is a mother, and this really is her son. The character is not as important as the boy, and so I didn’t want to spend money hiring an actor who is going to appear on screen for a few seconds. I also needed someone who could drive the car I am using, and my mum is insured to drive my chosen vehicle. I also beleive the mother and son connection will be more believable as my cast are actually mother and son.

Below is the artist contract she signed:

Creepy Figure

The creepy figure is the character that is torturing this poor boy, and controlling the car. He watches the events unfold before eventually closing in, and ending the boys life. He is dressed in dark clothing, and has his face covered up.

For this part, I have cast myself. It's a little directors cameo. I have no real reason for casting myself, it was mostly because I didn't want to hire an actor to play the role. It doesn't require anyone/anything specific, so I can easily play the part. The characters face is not seen.


I will now work with my two cast members to prepare them for their roles. I will focus more of my time on preparing my younger brother, as it is essential that the terror his character is feeling, comes across well on screen, and to achieve this, he needs to know everything about this story.


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