Monday 13 February 2017

Studio Production: PM Meeting 2 & Changes to Show

We recently had our second production meeting to discuss progress. In this meeting we also discussed some changes I have made to the show based on everyone's initial feedback.


I started off the meeting by sharing all of the new changes with everyone, which are:

  • Round 1-
    • Contestants now buzz in to answer the quickfire questions.
    • This allows for better competition and tension in the opening round.
    • Allows for more questions to be asked in a shorter space of time.
    • Keeps the levels of excitement up.
  • Round 2-
    • New Name: Audition Fails
    • Format to stay the same, however the 'Silent Movies' VT will consist of three movie titles to allow the VT to fill 00'30" to 01'00".
    • Name That Theme-
      • Copyright issues to be avoided as our versions of movie themes count as covers which are allowed on YouTube.
  • Trivia VT-
    • Now plays after Round 2 instead of Round 3.
    • Includes a competition element for the audience in the studio and at home. (e.g. host asks question before VT, or questions in VT)
    • Makes the VT more fun and entertaining for the audience to watch.
    • New length: 01'30"
  • Round 3-
    • New name: Pin The Award
    • Contestants now pin the awards onto names instead of faces. Names are often harder to remember than faces.
    • Both changes made for copyright reasons.
  • I Ain't Afraid of No Host-
    • Scrapped to allow for something possibly more entertaining and interesting.
    • No longer a VT, instead a live segment where the host goes into the audience to find out what their favourite movies are.
    • Length: 02'30"
  • Round 4-
    • Currently no changes
As well as this, all of the questions are going to be made harder to allow for a better competition.

Feedback on these changes was mostly positive and so they will now be put in place as the production continues to develop.

During this meeting the VT team also updated everyone on the development of the VTs. During Casting Call Steve will use obscure objects during his scene recreations. Instead of using an app, Steve will now be in fancy dress for the Face Swap VTs, which are now called On A Role. 

I have now decided that we will scrap Silent Movies and Name That Theme as the ideas for the first two VTs are better and will work better in the final show. I don't beleive Silent Movies, and Name That Theme would have been entertaining enough.

And finally the social media team are going to work on setting up a social media account on Facebook and Twitter for the show.

Below is the presentation I used during this meeting:


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