Monday 13 February 2017

Studio Production: Script Draft 3/4

As the show continues to develop I have produced two new drafts of the script. The drafts are very similar so I will only mention the changes I have made in draft 4.


In this new draft I have:
  • Update the opening link and removed jokes so ensure it fits into its new time limit which is now 30 seconds less than before.
  • Updated the links to the VTs in Round 2 to reflect the information about the VTs that has been shared with me by the VT team. This includes changing Steve's name to Norman
  • Update the intro to Round 4 to include the details of the new format.
  • Update the questions and answers in Round 3, & Round 4.
All of these changes have been made because of changes to the format of the show which have been made based on feedback from the production team.

Below is the new version of the script:


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