Monday 13 February 2017

Studio Production: PM 3 & Development

We recently had another production meeting to discuss developments.


I started off by sharing the details of our new social media accounts with everyone. I am very happy with these pages and I feel the design of them fits the show very well. Below are the links to both social media pages:



I then shared the new logo design with everyone which I think the graphics team have done a great job with.

The background is pretty much the same as the one I used for my initial designs. However, the main logo for the show is very different. It is now more glamorous and glittery (like the show). It has the look of a sign outside a classic cinema displaying the name of the show. I love it and the rest of the production team does too. This will now form the basis of the style bible, and so every graphic produced for the show.

Unfortunately, I had to take a day off prior to this meeting. During my time away, some discussions were had amongst the production crew, and it had become apparent that not everyone was clear on the style and tone of the show. Some seemed to think it was a family show which it certainly is not. So during this meeting I ensured everyone was clear by laying out the style and tone of the show, making sure everyone was aware it is not a family show. It has the look of a tea time game show, but has a comedic late night twist.

Finally I shared a few technical details with the VT and Promotions teams to ensure all videos were produced to the same standards.

Below is the presentation I used during this meeting:


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