Monday 13 February 2017

Studio Production: Set Design Briefing

As part of this unit we work with the Design for Theatre, Film & Performance team over at the Rochester campus to produce a set and props for the show. To begin this process, the director and I have briefed them on what we are looking for.


We began the presentation by sharing the show with the team, which included:
  • Tagline
  • Format
  • Rounds
  • Style & Tone
We then continued by sharing a few images with them of the set design I used during my pitch, however we ensured they knew that this was only an example and not what we wanted for the final show. We wanted to encourage them to come up with something new as we knew they could come up with something that was so much better than what I had come up with. 

The only items of information they needed to stick to in terms of set design were:
  • Measurements: I didn't want anything that exceeded 10 metres.
  • Style and Tone: Glittery glamour
  • Colour palette: Reds and oranges.
We then shared some requirements we had with them:
  • Set (with a cinema screen or tv screen incorporated, as well as a glittery doorway)
  • 3 podiums (1x host, 2x contestants)
  • Red carpet
  • Two display/pin boards and 6x fake awards for Round 3.
  • 8x hollow boxes for Round 4
  • 1x Golden Clapper Board (prize)
I think the briefing went very well and they all seemed interested. I saw a few nodding heads and they were all taking notes. I am looking forward to working with them and I'm excited to see what they come up with.

Below is the presentation we used during this briefing:


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