Monday 13 February 2017

Studio Production: Script Draft 2

As some changes have been made to the show, I have produced a new script draft that puts these changes into action.


Below is the 2nd draft:

These are the changes I have made:

  • I have added in all of the new timings as the VT round, Trivia VT, and a new section of the show all have new timings.
  • I have added the new section of the show entitled 'What's Your Favourite Movie?' to the script.
  • I have written a new opening monologue for the presenter as the production team agreed the first version was not right for the show, and the jokes needed to be less rude.
  • I have added all of the new questions to the script, which now gives a better idea of timing.
  • I have added more cues for SFX, GFX, and music beds so other members of the production team can start working on making those elements and working out how they'd fit into the show.
  • I have added a column for the director to write all of her camera directions and cues for the vision mixer.
  • I have re-written a joke that appears in the closing link as the group agreed Ryan Gosling was in fact fitter than Ryan Reynolds.
This new draft of the script will now be uploaded onto our Google Drive so everyone can access and read it.


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