Monday 13 February 2017

Studio Production: First Workshop with Del & Changes to Show

Del Brown is a director/vision mixer who will be tutoring us throughout our studio production unit. We recently had our first session with him.


Del started the workshop by running through the duties and responsibilities of each role on the production, like the producer, director, vision mixer, camera ops, & production assistant. Each and everyone role on the production is very important in ensuring the show runs well and looks great. I found it very useful to hear the details of each person's role as I now understand the types of work others will have to complete and it gives me more confidence in the team knowing they all know what they're doing.

Next we ran through the entire show, breaking it down into small sections and exploring camera placement, sound, set placement, and more. This allowed me to see each element of the show and share the full details with the group. I beleive it also helped Del understand how I currently see the show working. As well as this, it also highlighted any items we needed to think about and any issues that need to be resolved.

The main issue noted was the Round 4 currently didn't work and needed to be rethought, something which I will take on board and bring to the next meeting. As well as this, the placement of the pin boards during Round 3 needs to be thought about so the cameras can get the best view possible. Breaking down the show like this was really useful.

Finally, Del took us down to the studio and into the gallery to help us all understand who does what and where each person is stationed during the show. Usually during a show, the producer may sit in a room behind the gallery and watch the show, however during this production I will be in the gallery next to the P.A. helping with timings, and keeping track of scores. Del ran through a vision mixing exercise with us mostly to help the vision mixer get a little insight to what is required of them, but also to help the rest of the team understand what the vision mixers job involves.

I found this initial workshop very useful, especially as we broke down each element of the show. I now hope everyone has a better understanding of how the show works, and how the show will look. I will take on board the comments from this workshop and work on a new format for Round 4.



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