Monday 11 December 2017

Professional Pre-Production: Title Card & Title Sequence Developments

As part of my role in this project, I have to create a title sequence for Pleasure Park. This will be made of two parts, the sequence, and the animated title card. As the branding for the show has been developing, so have the title cards, and sequences. Below I have detailed their development up to the current version.


My initial idea for the animated title card was that it would look like the logo was in the sky above an amusement park, so it would match the branding I had already created. I decided to go with this idea.

My initial idea for the title sequence was that it would look like a series of postcards featuring images of Pleasure Park. I thought this went well with the whole idea that Pleasure Park is a seaside amusement park, and I felt postcards were the sort of thing that would represent this idea well.

I started by creating the animated title card, and I did this using After Effects. In a new composition I added all of the layers from the title card photoshop file, minus the rollercoaster and Earth, as I had already animated these in a separate composition. I then added the rollercoaster and Earth to the composition.

Finally I added a small transition to the Earth and logo so they would zoom onto the screen. The rest of the composition didn't require any animation.

Next I created the sequence. I also did that in After Effects. I created a series of postcard style images in Photoshop using photos from the amusement park I work at. I then added them to the composition, and animated them to look like they were being piled on top of each other, like someone was placing them down onto a surface, or like they were dropping into a postbox. And finally, I added the text layers which I animated so they'd move slightly, making them more interesting.

To complete the entire first version, I merged the title card, and title sequence together, and this was the final result:

At the time I really liked this first version, but looking back on it I can see it needed a lot of improvement. Feedback was mostly that it looked to animated, but also that it looked to clean to represent a fictional place that is failing.

I took this information on board to create the second version.


Version 2 needed to look more dirty and distorted. To achieve this I did these things:

- Animated the corner of the image to fold over like an old poster peeling off of its surface.
- Animated the rollercoaster so it looked like it was crashing off screen, insinuating the failing amusement park can't operate it properly.
- Animated the logo to drop out of position slightly to look like it was an old sign that was falling off its hinges.
- Animated some of the letters on the logo to fade out so they look like lights that don't work properly.
- Added a grunge layer over the entire composition to make it look dirty and old.

All of these changes I feel achieved the look I was going for. I decided to drop the title sequence from the first version as I felt it didn't really work. I will continue thinking about what I want that to be.

This was version 2:

Feedback was that this still wasn't quite there. It needed more to make it look older and dirtier, and it still looked too animated. 


For version 3, I wanted to continue making it more old and dirty looking, and less animated.

I feel I achieved this:

- By replacing the animated Earth with one that looked more realistic.
- By replacing the background with a blue crinkled paper texture.
- Adding a metal texture to the logo to make it look more like a sign.

As well as this I created a new title sequence. My idea for this was that it would be made up of footage from an amusement park with funky transitions between each shot. I thought this would look good and it followed the conventions of some other TV show titles I had seen (e.g. The Office UK). I edited all of the footage together in Premiere Pro, and I added a slightly animated look to the footage so it would match the title card more.

This was version 3:

Feedback was that again it still looks to animated, and there is still something that isn't quite right about it. I will review my progress, and think more about what I can do next.


For version 4 I decided to drop the title sequence from version 3. I wasn't too keen on it, and it really wasn't working.

To continue the development of this version I only made one change which involved adding a metal texture to the background in an attempt to make it look more real and less animated.

This was version 4:

Overall feedback was that it still didn't work. I needed to think of something completely different if I was going to make this work.


To create version 5, I completely scrapped the original versions. I still wanted the title card to look like the logo was in the sky above an amusement park.

I used all of the layers from the Photoshop file for the 5th version of the branding to create a composition in After Effects, minus the Earth, rollercoaster, and ferris wheel, which I animated in a separate composition.

I animated the logo in the same way as in the previous versions so it would still look like a broken sign. I also animated the clouds in the sky so they would move slightly like real clouds.

All of that was done in an attempt to make it look more realistic and less animated.

As well as this, I also created a new title sequence. The initial idea was that the camera would move through an amusement park before moving up into the sky to reveal the logo. I decided to create all of it in After Effects instead of filming it as this would give me a bit more creative freedom and room for movement if I want to change anything.

I created a series of animated amusement park related compositions (rides, games etc) and put them into a scene in After Effects. I needed added a camera to the composition and created 5 separate shots that were each accompanied by a block of credits.

To accompany this I also found a music track to act as the theme music. The music I chose is from another TV series called Porters, and it was composed by the composer I have chosen for my show. I chose it because I felt it sounded like the sort of music that would work if this were a real production. It has an amusement park feel, mostly because of the organ featured which reminds me of Blackpool.

This was the final result for version 5. The first few seconds are blank to represent where the pre-titles scene would go, and how the theme music would mix into it.

Feedback was that it was good, and the animation wasn't bad, but there was still some improvements that could be made. It was suggested that maybe the rides and games could not work properly, which fits the theme that the park is old and falling into disrepair. I liked this idea so I took it on board to create version 6, the final version.


To create version 6 I took on board the feedback mentioned. I re-animated all of my ride and games compositions to make them break down in some way:

- The spinning ride falls off its supports
- The strength test flies into the air and the sign brakes
- The duck game is on fire, and one of the ducks stops
- The sign on the ticket booth breaks off on one side and the lights stop working
- The rocket falls off its support and hits the ground

To improve this version more, I also added a collection of sound effects to add to the realism of the sequence.

This is the final opening title sequence for Pleasure Park:

1 comment:

  1. nice work on the development Josh. Much more resolved with this "final" version. Good use of sound effects in it too.
    No Sky Logo in it though, is that right?
