Thursday 5 May 2016

Documentary: Script- Draft 3

After reviewing the footage, and cutting the interviews down to what would end up in the final edit, I decided to rewrite the script.


Because the characters hadn't said exactly what we thought they'd say, the script, and the narration needed to be rewritten, and the ending had to be changed slightly.

These are the changes I made:

- A wrote a few different versions of the narration, so I had a few options for the edit.
- I changed Jamie's introduction to include the fact that he is a chef.
- I changed the 'visuals' section of the script to match the actual visuals we had filmed.
- I changed the ending to fit the packing the bags into the van ending we had actually filmed, not the following the bag to a customer ending we had initially planned.
- I changed Martina's section as we didn't want to include the gardening club anymore.
- I changed the ending so it fitted with some suggestions the characters had made about how people can still grow their own fresh fruit and veg.

I will now use this script to direct the edit of the rough cut.

The first page of draft 3


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