Thursday 5 May 2016

Documentary: Filming- Additional Footage

As part of the production process, we needed some footage of someone gardening in their back garden, so I spent a day in my garden, filming the shots we needed.


I still had the camera I booked out so I thought I use it to film some additional footage for the documentary. That day I spent some time shooting some footage for the end sequence, where the narrator starts talking about how you should go out into your garden and start growing your own fresh veg. I needed a few shots of someone gardening, and as nobody was around, I appeared on camera as well. I didn't want people to see it was me so most of the shots are just of the tools, with just a hand in view operating it. I also filmed some shots of the tools being taken out of the shed, and I filmed a few GVs of my garden.

Overall I think it was an afternoon well spent. I feel as though we definitely have enough footage to fill all the gaps in the documentary.


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