Friday 6 May 2016

Documentary: Group Edit

As part of the post-production process, we sat down as a group, just before the fine cut viewing, to edit some of the GVs into the documentary.


Prior to starting, I set up shop in one of the production rooms. I decided to hook my mac up to a television so the other two could see what I could see whilst we were inserting GVs. I set it up so on my screen I could see the timeline, and on the TV they could see the bins, source preview and program preview.

Our edit set up
We started by filling the gaps in section 1 of the documentary, going through and adding GVs that matched what was being said on screen. We had to listen to what both the narrator and the characters were saying, to ensure the GVs were a good fit and didn't look out of place. Because we had a lot of GVs, I don't think there was a point where we couldn't cover what was being said.

After a short break we moved on to section 2, filling the gaps with GVs. We also now had a chance to start using some of the GoPro footage that Cheyenne filmed on day 3. A little while after starting, Helen asked if she could see the fine cut, so we had to pause for a second.

Not long after finishing the fine cut viewing, we decided to stop there, and now that I had an idea of the types of GVs the rest of the group liked, I decided I would finish the documentary at home.

Overall, it was good to sit down as a group and collaborate on this part of the project, as I finally got an idea of how the others wanted this documentary to look, and what kind of shots they liked. Also the set up, using the TV, made this process a lot easier than I thought it'd be.


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