Thursday 5 May 2016

Documentary: Narration Recording

As part of the post-production process for this documentary, I had to record all of my narration.


To record the narration I set up a project in Audacity, and hooked a microphone up to my mac. I set up a dual screen system so I could view the Audacity project on one screen, and the script on another. Once everything was set up, I began recording the narration. For everything section of narration, I recorded it a couple of different times, in different ways, each time keeping a note of which take was the best. Occasionally I did change a few lines if they didn't sound right whilst I was recording them, or I would record a few different takes of me saying different lines so I had more to work with in the final edit.

Overall it took a few hours to record all of the narration, but I was really happy with the way it sounded and I think it will fit in with the documentary really nicely.

My setup in Audacity


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