Friday 6 May 2016

Documentary: Fine Cut Viewing

As part of the post-production process, our group had a fine cut viewing with Helen.


By this point in the process, the documentary was pretty much finished. I had made all of the suggested changes from the rough cut viewing, and most importantly, we as a group had added almost all of the GVs we needed.

After the viewing, these were the points that we received:
- Switch the opening shots around so that when the narrator talks about sand, we as an audience see it.
- Check if the characters are okay with the titles we have given them.
- Adjust the music levels just a little bit more. Cut some down a bit too.
- Show the fact qoute for longer (approx 10-30 seconds)
- Remove Jamie's second title.
- Use wides/exteriors when Jamie travels.

To fix these problems I will:
- Swap the opening shot around.
- Contact the characters and ask about their titles.
- Work on adjusting the sound levels.
- Extend the quote facts length on screen.
- Remove Jamie's second title.
- Check that whenever Jamie travels to a different location, an establishing shot is present.


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