Monday 24 April 2017

Professional Practice: 2nd Meeting with Commissioners

I set up a 2nd meeting with my commissioners to discuss schedule and contributors.


I wanted to ensure that we set up a schedule quite early in the production so I could arrange equipment and the school could arrange lessons and interview times.

We decided to do all of the filming during the second week of my easter break, which for them is their first week back at school for the new term.

The three reasons for choosing this week were:

- Teachers just back from holidays so nice and refreshed and ready.
- One of contributors is leaving the week after and so wouldn't be around anymore for filming.
- I would have finished Studio Production and so will be free to focus on the film.

We discussed which teachers the school would like to feature in the film, and then my contact looked over their teaching schedules to find out when they would be free for interviews. We also used their schedules to decide which lessons I should film (the ones with the best classes). We agreed to put a morning aside to interview just students. I'd ask teachers to suggest the students, and my contact will email tutors to ensure the students are there on that morning for the interviews.

I kept notes during the meeting and used those notes to create this schedule:

We also discussed the structure of the film a bit more and using my research and what I learnt during the documentary unit we came up with this:

- Split the film into 4 sections, one for each of the 4 subjects (English, Maths, Science, P.E)
- Each section will be made up of actuality, an interview with the teacher, and an interview with the students in that lesson.
- Each section will aim to demonstrate a good questioning technique that could be used whilst teaching that subject.
- The headteacher will introduce and close the film with a short statement.

We have planned to use Friday as a backup day in case anything in the schedule changes.

My next steps are to come back another time to scout locations now I know who I will be filming and when I will be filming them. The school will contact the teachers on my behalf to ensure they agree to filming and that they are aware of when I will be filming them.


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