Thursday 13 April 2017

Studio Production: Final Script, Final Running Order, & Final Round Breakdown

After our third rehearsal I produced the final script, running order and round breakdown that will be used during the show.


For this new draft of the script-
- I cut down a lot of dialogue to help shorten the length of the show.
- I added in new questions during the contestant chat to match what they had told us about themselves.
- I added more questions to each round to ensure we wouldn't run out during the show.
- I added all of the new timings to reflect the new running order.
- I rewrote the intro to round 4 so that the contestants would be on set from the beginning of that section, instead of having to come out again.

This script will still change during the final rehearsals, however any changes will be made to the 'live script' that George has and everyone else will use the director's annotated script.


For this new running order I have:
- Watched our last rehearsal back and timed each section to find out which bits are too long and which bits are too short. I have them made adjustments to the script to fix those issues and changed the timings on this running order to reflect how long each bit actually takes.
- Changed the timing for the Mockumentary VT as it is now 1 minute shorter than before.


For this new round breakdown I have:

- Changed all of the round descriptions to match any changes made to the format.
- Added all of the new questions and answers I have added to the script.
- Adjusted any timings that have changed since the last draft.
- Written questions for the mockumentary VT, something I could only do now we finally had a finished VT for that round.

All of these final drafts will be uploaded to the google drive and shared with everyone.


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