Thursday 13 April 2017

Studio Production: Third Rehearsal (28/03/17)

For our third rehearsal we had our real presenter.


We started the day off by briefing everyone and ensuring everyone knew what we wanted to achieve from the day. We also introduced everyone to George (our presenter) who was with us for the day.

The VT team had some reshooting to do in the morning with George so we used this time to ensure we had everything we needed to rehearse the show. This included ensuring all the other VTs and graphics were on the system so we could use them during the rehearsal.

We are treating each rehearsal like it is the real thing, and we will use the timings from each rehearsal to make changes and eventually get the show to exactly 30 minutes.

Here's a rundown of everything that happened on the day-

- Del noted that I should stand with George during the rehearsals and help him with anything he needs and walk him through each section of the show. I spoke with Del about this and I decided not to do it. I didn't want George to feel like I was treating him like a child who needed to be told how to do everything. I felt confident George knew what he was doing and I decided to let him do at least one run through of the show before I started to step in. I had already ran him through everything and I wanted to test to see how much he had remembered.
- For this rehearsal we used the makeshift talkback system and another idea I had to help George get through the show. This idea was to give him an iPad instead of cue cards. This meant he could have a 'live script' with him that I could edit from the gallery as the show went on. This came in handy during our final rehearsal as I had to make numerous big changes to the script as the show was recording. This also saved time as we didn't need to print out lots of cue cards everytime we changed the script. I also feel technology should be incorporated into television as much as possible if it aides the programme, and I felt on this occasion that it did.
- It was pointed out to me numerous times that George needed to maintain a better eye contact with the contestants, and that he needed to pronunciate more. I took all of this advice on board and spoke with George after every run through to ensure he was taking it on board too. I did as much as I could to help him without it looking like I was criticizing him too much.
- After each rehearsal we were still over the 30 minute barrier and so I had to make changes to the script each time to counter that. I only edited Georges live script each time so he could see the changes. I then informed everyone else in the gallery of the changes so they didn't get thrown off if anything happened. These changes included cutting down a lot of dialogue.
- We decided that the mockumentary VT was too long, and so it was cut down by a whole minute to be just 2'30" instead of 3'30".
- We also cut the credits from 0'45" to 0'35".

For our final rehearsal we decided to record it. It didn't start well as we were interrupted by a fire alarm, but we carried on with the show and I think everyone handled it very well. Below is that recording:

Below is the 'live script' that George had on the iPad. As you can see it is different from the script everyone else has as I have taken out everything but his dialogue and stage directions. That changes was made upon his request. I have also formatted it as white text on a black background to make it easier to read and to follow the format of an autocue.

After this rehearsal I am very confident everyone is ready for next week's full dress rehearsal. By the end of the day the show was 7 seconds over, which will be fixed before the next rehearsal.


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