Monday 24 April 2017

Professional Practice: Meeting with Commissioners

As part of the pre-production for my commision, I arranged an initial meeting with my commissioners to discuss what they would like me to create.


We started the meeting by discussing any requirements I had to ensure this commission fulfilled everything this unit asks of me. Once this was over we were able to discuss what type of film the school would like me to create.

They told me:

- They often get asked by other schools what advice they have to help teachers improve their teaching.
- They would like me to create a teacher training film that they can send out to the schools that contact them.
- The film will be about the use of questioning techniques in lessons to help students develop their understanding of the subjects being taught.
- The film will feature students and teachers from English, Science, Maths, & P.E. The headteacher will also feature.

Using this information I told them that this would be possible and we would need to sort out a time for me to come in and film lessons and interview the students and teachers. We also need to arrange a time for me to come in and scout the filming locations for risk assessment purposes.

They are looking at the film being between 10-15 minutes long.

My next steps are to carry out some research into teaching training films to see how they are usually structured. I will also arrange to sit in on some of the teachers lessons so I know what to expect when it comes to filming them.

I am planning on booking out a Sony PMW, 2 LED lights, and a clip mic for this film. I beleive this small and portable set up will allow me to film a lot of footage quickly and easily. Filming this film will be like filming a documentary as I will be filming actuality during the lessons and interviews to merge with the actuality.


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