Thursday 13 April 2017

Studio Production: PM 9 & Developments

The week before the show we had our final production meeting with Helen.


We used this production meeting as a chance to ensure we had everything we needed to pull the show off. It was also a chance for Helen to ensure everything was on track and ready to go. Here is a brief summary of what happened:

- Helen raised the issues of us needed a female contestant. It was mentioned that a previous student who worked in a cinema would be a good choice, and so Sam began working on sorting that out. We decided to replace Jamie Terry with her as we didn't want to lose Danny.
- Becca and Ellen will continue to work on their lighting plans so the lighting team have a good idea of what is needed from them when it comes to the first dress rehearsal.
- The set design team have asked if they can use the studio floor that Sammi offered. This will be arranged.
- A disagreement over money was resolved and everyone put another £2 into the budget.


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