Monday 30 January 2017

Studio Production: Job Roles & Production Meeting 1

Now the show has been commissioned and I am the producer, everyone else had to apply and interview for their job roles, and we had our first production meeting.


After a full day of interviews, these are the final assigned job roles for each member of the team:

Producer: Joshua Jones (me)
Studio Director: Becca Bennett
Assistant Producer/BTS AP+Sound: Sam Elliott
Production Manager/Floor Manager: Imogen Polycarpou
VT Producer/Studio Camera: Cheyenne Joseph
2 x VT/Studio Camera: Troy Smith & Josh Bayly
Sound/Lighting (VTs & Studio): Sammi Dennard
VT Editor/Vision Mixer: Laura Draper
VT Editor/Studio Production Assistant: Rosie Pen
2 x VT Package Director's/Studio Camera: Ellie Pack and Saskia Tatt
Social Media/Promotions/Graphics/Studio Graphics Op: Nisserin Bessioua
Social Media/Promotions/Graphics/BTS PD: Ellen Carter


To open the first production meeting Helen used a diagram to explain how the levels of communication work. This was to ensure everyone doesn't always come to me when they have a question, instead they go to their superior, who then goes to the Assistant Producer, who then comes to me.

Next I briefed everyone on the show using an adapted version of my pitch. As well as this I answered any questions people had on the show and took on board any initial suggestions about possible changes.

Finally I set some deadlines:

  • VT team to come up with ideas on VTs ready for next production meeting (Tues 31st)
  • Graphics/Promotions to come up with ideas for graphics and promotional material ready for (Tues 31st)
  • Everyone to fill out contact form on the shared Google Drive.
I also had a meeting with the Director where we discussed some changes to the initial set design. It needs to be more glittery and more glamourous to fit the image of the show.

Now I know everyones roles and we've had our first production meeting, I feel a lot more confident about the show, and I'm looking forward to working with everyone over the next term to produce The Big Movie Quiz!


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