Monday 30 January 2017

Studio Production: The Pitch & Feedback

As part of this process we had to pitch our ideas to a panel of people, and the person with the most viable idea would be chosen as producer, and their idea would be commissioned as this years studio production show.


In preparation for my pitch I had done research and work relating to:

  • The idea
  • Title
  • Format and objectives
  • Target Channel/audience
  • Scripting
  • Running orders
  • Set design
  • Graphics/titles
  • Camera layouts
  • Contributors
  • VTs
I used a powerpoint presentation to pitch my show to the panel, which was made up of Simon (Course Leader), Helen (Lecturer), Laura (Production Coordinator), Del (Studio Tutor), and Wez (Last year's Producer). I set my pitch up so my graphic would play on the screen like they would in the real show. I also played my games with the panel, adding in music and sound effects to boost the experience. I wanted to panel to feel like they were taking part in or watching the show. Hopefully that is how it came across.

For the set design element I used my rendered images from Sweet Home 3D to give them a good idea of what my plans for set design were currently.

Below is a video version of my pitch which allows you to see the graphics and hear the music:

The pitch went very well and my feedback was mostly positive. I feel I was able to confidently answer the questions I was asked about how the show works, who the contributors would be, and how certain technical elements of the show would work. One issue raised was they felt I may not be able to let go of my idea and let others work on it and make changes to it. I assured the panel that although I have had this issue in the past, I have worked on it, and I will be able to let go of it and let others contribute. I understand that this is a whole group project and people have jobs to do, so I will let others contribute and do the jobs they have been given.

In the end my idea was chosen and The Big Movie Quiz has been commissioned with me at the helm as the Producer!


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