Monday 30 January 2017

Studio Production: Audience Profiles & Target Audience

As part of the preparation for my pitch I did some research into audience profiles so I could decide upon a target audience for my show.


My target channel is Channel 4, and my target audience is movie fans, so I did some research into your typical late night Channel 4 audience and your typical movie fan. I was surprised to find the two were very similar, averaging in the 18-44 age bracket. I also found that similar programs to mine, like The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year, had the same age bracket as their target audience.

When it came to audience profiles I did some research into what they were as I hadn't come across them before. I found that audience profiles are used to allow media companies to find and identify their target audiences before they produce a new show/product. When doing so they will consider things like age, gender, religion, race, sexuality, occupation, and education. Audience profiles are usually defined using demographics. These demographics narrow the audiences down to their occupations. These groups are labelled using a series of letters from A-E. Below is a diagram explaining what each one means.

Audience Profiles
Using this diagram I have decided to choose B, C1, C2, & D as my target audience profiles. This is because B groups include creative media people, which are the types of people who work in the movie industry and would therefore be interested in a quiz show about that industry. And C1, C2, & D are include the types of people that make up your typical cinema audience. They are the types of people who have the time and money to go and see a movie, and hopefully to sit down and watch a tv show about movies.

From this research I can confirm that my target audience will be 18-44, B, C1, C2, & D.



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