Tuesday 24 January 2017

Studio Production: Developing & Producing Game Shows

To aid the development of The Big Movie Quiz, I carried out some research into developing, and producing game shows for TV.


These are the key points from my research-

- Developing a TV show is a hard job, and 99% of what you do will amount to nothing.
- "You need to be creative, dogged and passionate"- Sarah Edwards, Development Executive (Take Me Out)
- Try to come up with a way to pitch your idea in one sentence. Think about writing down the first line of your script as well to aid development.
- When starting, develop the 'killer moments' of you idea, the thing that makes it so different.
- A good show is more about characters than format.
- When thinking about set design, use what technology is available to make your idea different and amazing. Creating a set design model is also a good idea.
- Have clear format points in your idea. Things that can't be copied by other formats.
- A game show needs to have a set of rules which create jeopardy and reward skill.
- "Simplicity is important. The fewer the rules the better... I want to be able to play at home"- Gary Chippington, Head of Entertainment at STV.

I will take all of this new information on board whilst preparing my pitch for this unit. My show will be unique, and simple. I will produce a set design model and a script for the panel to look at. I will attempt to come up with a format that incorporates 'killer moments' and a format that can't be copied.



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