Wednesday 3 January 2018

Major Project: Comedy Drama

For my major project I want to create a comedy drama short film, so I have conducted some research into the genre to better aid my idea development.


A comedy drama, also known as a dramedy, is something that combines elements from both the comedy and the drama (also known as tragedy) genres. Early television examples include the US sitcoms Hennesey and CHiPs. In television now comedy dramas are often referred to as sitcoms. In the UK early examples include the tv series Minder, and Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

In the film industry comedy dramas are very popular, and most comedies have an element of drama even if they don't define themselves as a comedy drama. Some popular examples include Juno, Adventureland, Four Weddings and a Funeral, and The Truman Show. These examples all mix more serious topics/ideas with comedy.

Another definition for a comedy drama is a production where the characters experience a change for the better and work things out with hope for the future. And there are two types of comedy in a comedy drama. The first is high comedy, which uses social satire, wit and subtle characterisations that are geared towards an educated group. A good example of this is The Big Bang Theory. The second is low comedy, which uses bad jokes, physical humour, and silly visuals to make people laugh. A good example of this is The Three Stooges. I want to aim more for high comedy.

Why comedy drama?

I want to create something that uses a serious(ish) theme or topic as it's heart, but uses it to tell a light hearted, fun, and comedic story. I feel for me this is a suitable genre. I don't want to do something really serious, and I don't want to do something really slapstick, so this is a good 'best of both worlds' genre. I want my characters to experience a change. I also want them to work things out and have a happy ending. Comedy drama is defintely the right genre for me.



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