Pulp Fiction is a 1994 film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. It's about a few different stories of crime taking place in Los Angles, that all subtly link somehow. The film uses it's timeline in a unique manner to tell the stories at different times, but also at the same time (e.g. a character dies in one story, but then later appears in another story that takes place before the story where they die).
Why Pulp Fiction?
I have chosen to look at Pulp Fiction's use of the camera to tell a story. Tarantino is know for using long tracking shots in his films, and this one is no exception. There is one scene where two characters discuss they're plan as they walk to the location where that plan is going to take place. I like how this is done in one long take as it highlights the journey to that location, and makes that journey important and worth seeing. It makes sense because the characters would discuss this on the move rather than elsewhere for example in the car outside, or where ever they met up at the start of the day. I would like to include a scene like this in 'Bobbie & Clive'. I want to use a long tracking shot that actually has meaning, and isn't just put in for the sake of it.
Another scene in this film I would like to talk about is the opening scene that takes place in a diner. Two characters are eating food and having a mundane discussion. As the discussion develops it becomes clear that they are about to rob the diner, and they do. I like the way the audience is left in the dark until the very last moment. I would like to include this idea in 'Bobbie & Clive' somewhere. It might work at the start when the two arrive at the location. We could keep the audience in the dark as the fact that they are about to carry out a heist. We will work on this in future script drafts.
Baby Driver is a 2017 film written and directed by Edgar Wright. It's about a young music lover who works as a getaway driver for a kingpin. Edgar Wright has a very unique style, and that's one of the reasons why I was so drawn to this film.
Why Baby Driver?
Like Tarantino, Edgar Wright likes to use long tracking shots to tell parts of the story. He uses a few in Baby Driver, with the most notable one being the near the beginning. The main character heads out for coffee, and we follow him on his journey to the coffee shop and back. This scene takes place in real time, and I like how the audience is taken along for the journey. I would like to adapt this somehow and put a shot like this in 'Bobbie & Clive' if I can.
Another thing that drew me to Baby Driver is it's use of sound design to create a very detailed world for the audience to explore. I think sound design will be a key detail for 'Bobbie & Clive' and I hope I can work with Ellen to create something really detailed and interesting for the audience.
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