During our test shoot, some issues with the blocking were highlighted, so I created a new draft of the blocking sheets.
These are the changes made:
- On each sheet I have labelled the camera positions with the number that corresponds with the shots from that position in the shot list. This will make it easier to understand the camera positioning within the scene for each shot on the shot list. I feel this will by the DOPs life easier.
- Scene 6 has been completely re-blocked after we discovered a lighting problem with our original choice of entrance for the scene. Now the cast come through a door that doesn't reveal any day light, which is good as the film is set at night, but is being shot during the day. I feel this new blocking actually works better for the scene as Clive now walks right past the vehicle he is meant to notice. It will be right in his characters eye-line, which will work better for the scene. The geography of the scene is now much better.
This will most likely be the final blocking sheet, however things may change during the shoot days.
These are the changes made:
- On each sheet I have labelled the camera positions with the number that corresponds with the shots from that position in the shot list. This will make it easier to understand the camera positioning within the scene for each shot on the shot list. I feel this will by the DOPs life easier.
- Scene 6 has been completely re-blocked after we discovered a lighting problem with our original choice of entrance for the scene. Now the cast come through a door that doesn't reveal any day light, which is good as the film is set at night, but is being shot during the day. I feel this new blocking actually works better for the scene as Clive now walks right past the vehicle he is meant to notice. It will be right in his characters eye-line, which will work better for the scene. The geography of the scene is now much better.
This will most likely be the final blocking sheet, however things may change during the shoot days.