Tuesday 20 February 2018

Major Project: Script Draft 11 (Final Draft)

We received some feedback on the script from our cast during the rehearsals, and so we have made some minor changes to form our final draft which is the eleventh draft.


Changes made to this draft include:
- In scene 5 we've added the line "it's this way come on" for Bobbie so she has a verbal way of signally Clive that they should move on. During the rehearsals we found that this section of the scene worked better with a line of dialogue rather than just a gesture.
- We've removed the line "apple the phone company" from scene 6 and replaced it with "apple not apple" as we felt this was a funnier line, and doesn't just lay out what the joke is meant to be. Saying apple the phone company was too obvious. The audience can work it out themselves.
- At the end of scene 6 Clive no longer takes a bite out of an apple. He instead picks it up, cleans it, and carefully puts it back in the box. Nik, who is playing Clive, raised the point that he wouldn't bite the apple, not if he works there and doesn't want anyone to know he tried to rob the place. He cares about the product, and treats it well.
- In scene 7 Frank now says "promotion? oh, congratulations", instead of "oh yeah I heard about your promotion, congratulations". We changed this line because during the rehearsals the point was raised that he wouldn't know about the promotion, and him finding out about it during this scene is more of an incentive for him to rob the place as payback for him loosing his own job and not getting promoted.
- The ending is still the same.

This is the final script draft and the one will we use during the shoot. As will all films things change on the shoot days when you're in the moment. I'm prepared to make changes if it is the right thing to do.

The final story outline is as follows:
- Bobbie and Clive turn up outside the building.
- Clive attempts to distract Bobbie and stop her.
- Bobbie ignores, and asks about the location. Clive assures her it's the right place.
- Bobbie then asks about the masks and finds out that Clive has brought tights with him.
- The two head over to the building, where it is revealed that Clive has brought toy laser guns with him also.
- Outside the building Clive makes one final attempt to stop this event from happening. He fails.
- They enter the building to find it empty, so they head to the storage room.
- In the storage room, Bobbie discovers they are robbing a fruit warehouse. Clive blames this on a miscommunication.
- In the office, Bobbie then discovers that this is Clive's workplace and that he has set the entire heist up to fail.
- Whilst there, Clive discovers he has been offered a promotion. They're money problems are solved.
- Then Frank the security guard turns up, and Bobbie is forced to hide whilst Clive talks his way out of the situation.
- Whilst hiding, Bobbie drops her gun, which draws the attention of Frank. She remains unseen, and Clive talks his way out of it.
- The two hear a noise coming from the storage room. This prompts Frank to ask Clive to leave, which he agrees to do.
- Clive notices that Frank is holding an apple, and so questions him on it. Frank talks his way out of it.
- Clive heads back to the car, where he finds Bobbie. He asks her about the noise she made in the storage room. She has no idea what he is talking about.
- At his point Clive pieces the puzzle together and works out what is going on.
- Bobbie & Clive go back to the storage room where they find Frank and his accomplice stealing fruit.
- The film ends on a cliffhanger.

As a group we are very happy with this final plot.


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